Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments

A gentleman knows.

Goths have somehow found a way to use velvet to supercharge depression.

You're welcome. Would you like a cup of tea?

OMG, you've solved suicide!

I don't think that's required to suck.

Do you mean "Betteridge's law of headlines"?

What material wouldn't encourage depressed teens to take their own lives?

Holy shit, how did I miss a D+ review?

It's not bullshit, it's alternative matter.

It's flavor country.

Yes, why don't we let everyone pursue the career they want? That's exactly what this manifesto is against, as it rails against removing the barriers that have been preventing women from doing exactly that. It wants to maintain male privilege in software engineering.

Microsoft rushes to re-brand IE6 as "Microsoft Edgelord."

You, like the manifesto's author, are trying to manufacture a dubious chain of observations of early human/primate behavior into "what adult women with lots of education interested in a professional career want." While also claiming that biology is a key factor, even though most of these articles include

It was OK. Not great, but not terrible.

It's never been established by research, let alone "broadly" that women are less interested in working at Google than men.


The proportion of people "interested" in doing certain jobs is irrelevant. The fact is that there are more people available to do jobs than there are jobs available.

What treason did he commit?

I think it would take a lot more than that for him to be taken seriously.

I think"Dr Waffle" did a very good job communicating that "Mrowley" is so fucking dumb. It was concise and effective. How do you think he should have communicated that better?