Trump's have fewer pop-culture references and less self-awareness.
Trump's have fewer pop-culture references and less self-awareness.
"Oh, look. Here's a lovely inspirational quote from some guy called Nietzsche."
Maybe he can be impeached and removed from office, but nobody tells him? Just put him in a VR simulator of one of his golf courses forever.
He not only has the whole of Fox News to kiss his butt, he also needs to create his own video channel of positive Trump News.
It's bowel.
We pay later!
Danger Zone!
This is fine.
It's like Poe's Law for software developers/corporate stooges. It wouldn't really be any more weird than some of the names they actually have for "development methodologies."
Please, Tony, no! I just ate a whole plate of Disqusamagoo!
There's a pretty simple test for this. Look at the AV Club comments. Now look at any of the Kinja-powered Gawker-site comments.
That depends. Is it an African or European comment?
The only monster here is the commenting monster that has enslaved your mother. I call him Kinjlor, and its time to snatch your mother from his unthreaded claws!
Quiet! The President is trying to alter his scores!
You absolutely need to have a plan in place for nested comments. It's a basic feature.
Nobody's getting an erection on Kinja.
The way online media is sliding, they'll all be this way in a few months. I say, lay back and enjoy it. It's a hell of a toboggan ride!
It's almost as if Kinja was designed by people who don't understand how a good comments section works!