Really? Why would you want these shit movies?
Really? Why would you want these shit movies?
So, just keep being regressive because it's traditional?
$1,500 in the 1950s was a lot of money. That's not coming up from nothing. That's somebody who was already wealthy.
Have you never seen porn?
It's also a stupidly weird threat. You're going to pedantically argue with the NYT point-by-point? Go ahead. I'm sure they welcome that kind of debate.
You know how often I felt the need to be an "advocate" for my gun rights? Never. Literally never.
Wait, why should hand guns be allowed, but not rifles? Handguns probably have more potential for use in crimes, because they are easily concealed. They also don't really serve much purpose other than killing other humans. Rifles are at least useful for hunting. And it's a lot easier to detect someone carrying a rifle.
Why the hell should someone take an "ass kicking"? Why shouldn't assault be reported to the authorities?
But with bullets.
#3 - I Fish You Were Here
Why should the leaders of other nations have their private business made public just to appease entitled American voters?
[Dikachu begins nationwide educational tour]
How is that ironic?
It can be two things.
No. Quitting implies he was doing something to quit from. "Vacation" has similar semantic problems.
Theloniuous Monk wasn't about heroin, Core. He was about rebellion, about political and social upheaval, and morphine.
Thelonious Monk With John Coltrane: Complete 1957 Riverside Recordings (out in June)
Jesus fuck. I'm an old-school internet veteran, and have indulged in "fisking" many times, but I've never heard the term before.
Eh, not really. It still requires lenses and the ability to capture light that defines it as a camera, rather than just a mathematical machine.
I'm just wondering how the analogy is supposed to work.