Right. And enacting a severe penalty on a small number of people doesn't change anything about that, so won't discourage anybody.
Right. And enacting a severe penalty on a small number of people doesn't change anything about that, so won't discourage anybody.
And a big part of the reason that he was elected is the secrecy that pervades politics and promotes such ignorance. If government was run more transparently, you wouldn't have that kind of outcome. Its secrecy that makes thing like conspiracy theories so popular.
OK, am I wrong? It's a fucking terrible analogy.
Maybe there are, maybe there aren't. But your idea of watered-down pandering is not going to convert any of the rabid "right to life" people. And it's not going to attract any pro-choice people. It's just sad and pathetic, and gets nobody. At least you have a chance of getting some people on your side with an honest…
You are a poor, misguided person who does not understand beauty.
Why the hell is the existence of the behavior even an issue here? How does it harm anybody? The point is that only right-wing assholes use the term or are bothered by "virtue signalling."
And that's why you're always getting blisters on your penis!
I dunno. An asshat is useful. It provides stylish protection for your ass, and helps prevent sunburn. Shkreli does none of those things.
It's not a "weird narrative" that right-wing assholes use it in meaningless ways to signal their own (lack of) virtue. It's exactly what happened in this thread.
Possibly, but rather than diagnose others' mental health on a message board, I'd rather just say that they're terrible people.
See also: "White Knighting" - because if anyone supports the rights of women, it's just because they want to get laid. And somehow making comments supporting of women on a message board gets you laid.
Even if the public is largely stupid, it's better that we know it and deal with the messiness of that knowledge, than to have that hidden from from us.
Huh? Why would using a camera require it to use film?
Having never watched Sesame Street is probably the reason you're a janitor instead of a poet-laureate. Well, at least you have good taste in haircuts.
It can be two things.
The US government is notoriously biased against white Americans. Particularly if they are male and older.
No, it wasn't.
Somebody's never seen Nasim Pedrad. Or Jessica Williams. Or Maria Thayer.
Oh, you mean a kidnapping?
Forget it, corndog. It's Hughestown.