If Double Vagina Butt Butt Stuff doesn't do it for somebody, I think they might not have a soul.
If Double Vagina Butt Butt Stuff doesn't do it for somebody, I think they might not have a soul.
Oh, here comes that Nathan Rabin guy. He's cool.
Sorry, I missed the "PA fans" bit and thought you were accusing PA themselves of such activity.
You're not my supervisor!
I'm over 40 and I look half his age.
"I mean, it's one banana. What could it cost? Ten dollars?"
You mean chilli con carne, Flanders style?
Now to get it nutted.
That's exactly why they're always hiring. I mean, that's just colon sense.
You're supposed to use local milk people, you un-patriotic scum.
Do you mean the Crypkeeper's personal crypt of pornos, or pornos starring the Cryptkeeper?
It’s not clear where exactly the information will be leaked to, though, given that the website where the unaired TV episodes were first posted has been down for the past couple of days.
When did I say it was a crime?
Dick Wolf was the killer all along!
Sadly? There should have been legal ramifications for doing nothing illegal?
There's no shortage of idiots in IT, and their "blame the user" syndrome is atrocious. I've seen several companies basically held hostage by incompetent and hostile IT departments.
They can transplant whole granddaughters now?
It's up to the judicial branch to make final judgments on constitutionality. But isn't it up to everybody else to interpret it?
Like, on some kind of trail?
Hey, just wait until you see Sorkin's Gilbert and Sullivan parody about immigration and class. It changes the hearts and minds of even the most jaded cranial-rectal insertionists.