But have any actually said they believe what they are signing is unconstitutional?
But have any actually said they believe what they are signing is unconstitutional?
Surely, you mean un-embiggen it?
It's probably not legally binding (I have no legal training). But I guess it could be added to the piles of evidence for impeachment? Not that those mountains of impeachment-worthy actions matter if nobody's going to act on them.
Geez, just go here:
Has anybody checked on Hillary's recent movements?
That sounds like a Lyndon LaRouche joint.
There was going to be one, but it got postponed after McConnell was involved in a boaking accident.
But it would go against the oath he swore when signed in, to uphold the Constitution.
Why not combine them? Health care, but only for white people?
"That's one in three people! How many other people can say that they have over 100 million friends? Bigly!"
Haven't we alway been in that phase?
I also got letters from Napkin, Ketchup, KFC Bucket, other items I can see at my dining table.
You're the chaos!
When do we get the Street Sharks reboot?
I like the way Snrub thinks!
Transformers has writers??
In a way don't the CGI sharks rape all of us?
Goddamnit, maybe if they had cast him for the movie, it would have averted him becoming an actual president? Now I have one more thing to blame sharknados for.
Accidentally the whole thing?