Agent Smith, P.E.N.I.S.
Agent Smith, P.E.N.I.S.
The AV Club has to do these stupid taste tests to give people the illusion of choice?
That's punny.
Area Commenter Becomes Aware of Newswire
[The poop emoji leads a protest against this blatantly discriminatory test.]
Try. Or try not. There is no suck.
Trump's doctor declares @avclub-d6d2193cbf0163e914ecd03db6eacd3c:disqus the healthiest and most virile Disqus commenter ever.
Especially when you have your gun in your mouth.
I dunno, to get to be a Justice of the Supreme Court, I think you'd have to be very punctual.
Saying that not being racist is easy is exactly the kind of thing a non-racist would say!
Nuclear arms can't hug steel children!
Who knows how many illegal immigrants she could be harboring under those robes?
Why does it matter when the poem was added? The question is - does he agree with the sentiment or not? (Obviously not).
"Transwomen and seamen don't mix."
Forget the Strategic Oil Reserve, we need a Strategic Day-Laborer Reserve!
So Trump says he wants to fight illegal immigration. So obviously the best way to combat illegal immigration is to heavily cut legal immigration.
Well, if you consider "fiscally liberal" to mean spending money on military hardware and subsidies to the wealthy, while taking away money from the welfare of citizens, I suppose so. But usually it refers to spending on social programs and welfare.