I don't see how Muppets could ever be the wrong answer to anything.
I don't see how Muppets could ever be the wrong answer to anything.
"Why are these stupid bitches making video games? That's a man's job. #GamerGate"
I was thinking a shawl.
Corn? My teenage job was detasselling boobies.
You just lost that stupid frisbee thing of yours down an air vent again, didn't you?
Stuff like this is when I question whether he's lying, or if it's a fantasy he actually believes happened.
That fits with the recent Adam Carolla and Ben Shapiro visit to Congress. And everything else about this shitty administration.
No, that title goes to "I love cornbread so much I want to take it behind a middle school and get it pregnant."
Dennis Duffy - social conservative, fiscal liberal.
Should I get her a new shawl?
Hello darkness my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
People at Fox need to be fired over that. If they don't, it's confirmation that they're fine with promoting unfounded conspiracy theories as long as they "retract" it later (their audience will completely ignore or forget about the retraction).
I find that "perfect is the enemy of good" argument is actually far more common among the left wing. We especially saw it in November with the Bernie-or-Busters the Steinheads, and fools like Susan Sarandon.
Or the reverse.
Not the best pick-up line there, AJ.
Mmmm, that's good Cuomo!
More like Casey Kasem or DJ Roomba.
You shot who in the what now?
If you're putting heroin in front of a heroin addict, then you are advocating for heroin abuse.
Well, yes, he is supporting the murder of transwomen by treating it like a normal response to the situation.