Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments

Shut up, Terry.

You've become more carton than box.

Sixty-nine? High five!

"Is this chicken, what I have, or is this fish? I know it's tuna, but it says 'Chicken of the Sea.'"

Eh, you need to go on a diet anyway.

… buck!

If it has, that means the end of the AV Club!

It was a span of time between the end of the previous working week, and the beginning of the current one.

Looks like ol' Dik's been hoofing glue again.

The fact that you call it that tells me you're not ready.

The A.V. Club

Who likes cock cock?

Is the price of chicken wangs remaining stable?

It's time for Clippy's surprising comeback as a dramatic actor.

Disqus-Nu: The Breitbarting

The mobile version of that has way too much shaky hand-held footage.

I thought that the Stride Mother wasn't a believable villain. Way too cartoony.

Did anyone see that movie, Tron?

Disqus: The Movie

The Iowa Farmer's Almanac (dot com)?