"China, you're ordering the meatloaf."
"China, you're ordering the meatloaf."
She's exactly like her father. She wants to bask in the warm glow of adulation, but not actually have to do any meaningful work for it. I mean, isn't being rich enough to make everybody love her?
It's probably because you used the slogan that Pres. Sex Criminal puts on his hats, or its acronym, not the length of your comment.
Any LGBT person who saw that Trump for gays image should have known it was a joke,
Trump bypassed the entire military establishment in a tweet while falsely claiming their support.
His jiggling is almost hypnotic.
I think one of those crayons might be lodged in his brain.
No it's not!
Wow, that's standing by your convictions. Awesome.
The Reince Priebus Experience is the worst Universal Studios ride.
A Spider-Man watching a Batman movie? Were you doing opposition research or something?
That's politics for you. Being "tough on crime" really brings in the volts.
He's such a cuke.
The organization apologized for the speech
Well duh, it's simple once you understand TimeCube theory. Were you educated stupid or something?
He's 40% titanium!
horror has “always reflected what’s going on in the times,” whether it was the “post-Vietnam films of Wes Craven,” or an exploration o racial tensions
Here's an opinion article recently written by Carolla on the topic:
Whoa oh!