Otherwise known as "American food."
Otherwise known as "American food."
They must have good stamina to fuck for 90 minutes.
I want some taquitos.
I don't think so. The fact that he's treating the job like sex, a conquest, or an expression of his manhood is pretty telling. Just "blocked" doesn't really get at what he's trying to express.
If ever we could synthesize our country’s cuisine one one menu
Yep, those sure are Crackers.
Shit my own c*nt?
Autocorrect is very lonely.
Sucking a car off?
"This hunk of Jesus' flesh is a little dry."
It's actually pretty appalling journalistically to change "cock-blocking" to mere "blocking." It really misrepresents what he said. It's not a straight synonym. How about newspapers get over this outdated prudishness and ditch these AP guidelines?
I think councilwoman Cameron Esposito oughta do more thinkin' and less bein'.
Don't be so hard on him, he's just curious.
Hello, I'm Amy Sedaris. Thirty-two years ago I dropped out of culinary school and ran away from home. Oh, I made a lot of friends… did a lot of thyme. I was a baker, a caker and a broiler. I stoled a turkey… Did some more thyme. But now I'm back in the kitchen! And though the cakes may have changed, the hassles are…
Isn't the only purpose of cupcakes to be an icing-delivery vehicle?
Isn't that one explicable because she worked there?
Arts & Crafts: Fuck Yeah!
It's one hobby he shares with Trump.
Probably dead.