Well, that and all the time you spend looking at your selfies.
Well, that and all the time you spend looking at your selfies.
I didn't know it was still possible to buy TVs that don't have 3D support.
Hello, Joe!
If she wasn't, she would have really wasted her money on those Clown College fees.
"Non-evil" is going way too far.
The domestication of the dog continues unabated.
If so, a pretty pathetic plan, because it relied on a difference of one vote. He had no way of knowing it wouldn't pass, despite his vote.
Don't apologize for doubting Shitty McShitbag. He's one of the most doubtworthy people around. He could just have easily gone the other way.
Who's fucking sea bugs?
You're silly.
When did you think they taped?
It was McMaverick's plan all along to take the credit… or so he would have you believe!
After all this, I think I finally deserve to put a [CIGARETTE] in my mouth.
Up and at them!
Mike, Mike, he's our commenter!
If he can't do it, no-one will be capable of doing so.
3 dissenting votes is hardly a sign of lack of lockstep.
What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or was he just born with a heart full of neutrality?
You gave Hillary shit for murdering all those cats, and now you're finding out that those cats had an evil agenda all along, and now she's not here to save you from them!
He's like some kind of… non-giving up… turtle… guy.
Why are you leaving me hanging?