How does Trump find so many ridiculous people to employ? Does he just drive around New Jersey in a Limo with a "White House Jobs Available" sign on it?
The Handmaids' Tale isn't an alternative take on actual historical events that are charged with meaning, the facts of which have been spun and obfuscated by the losing side into a fantasy of what actually occurred.
It's those TV networks Marge. They won't let me. One quality show after another, each one more brilliant than the last. If they only stumbled once - just gave us thirty minutes to ourselves. But they won't, they won't let me live!
I dunno, "Chazwozzer" - especially if you emphasize the "ocker" pronunciation of it, doesn't sound particularly aboriginal. Too many hard consonants.
That's really weird logic. If something is unpopular it must therefore become "not allowed"? It would be difficult to find an audience for a silent black & white film these days. But that doesn't mean you aren't allowed to make a silent black & white film if you wanted to.
That's not what your comment said, though.
Also at the time, it was an uphill battle getting a lot of people to even accept the idea of The Simpsons as a "cartoon for adults."
There were plenty of people who were bothered by Apu's depiction back then.
Moe has really devolved over the last couple of decades into a one-note "sexual predator" character.
Sounds like someone needs his safe space.
Hey, that's the name of the episode!
I don't watch The Simpsons,
They have signs at the airport telling you not to attempt intercourse with dingos. And it's just common sense. But they still lose over 1,000 penises a year to dingos.
That's what she said.
Because it's like a super-sincere D. Like they really put a lot of effort in, but it still ended up being a D. This is how I think the rating scale works here:
TMI Emoji.
Awww, look at you. Still thinking there's hope in the world. Adorable.
Really? That seems a bit too highbrow for them.