Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments

You know, it is possible to change traditions. A tradition can't "demand" something, it's a thing that people have to actively engage in.

And that was the day that Alien Jesus died of autoerotic depictiation.

That oughtta hold the little SOBs.

Spicey and the Pope
Solvin' mysteries
Chewin' gum
Makin' friends forever

Nobody who wears glasses could be a bad man.

What if they kept McCain alive by transplanting Dick Cheney's cyborg brain into his body? That might be the ultimate Republican.

But does it get biz-zay?

What about John McClane?

Maybe he thought he was hiring his nurse?

Damn it, going by the headline, I thought he had died. Stop getting my hopes up like that!

Velveeta isn't cheese.

That recipe is fancy? Let alone fancy-ass?

See, this is why you should just pee on your seat.

That's because it was incredibly stupid and made no sense.

What's your problem with masturbation?

No it's not. You're just peddling some "both sides" shit. Do you really believe that regressive conservative/right-wing politics is really on par with liberalism?

No, not "just about equally." They have publicly stated they hate liberals much more than conservatives. Which, if you think about how terrible conservatives are, means they have a distinct rightward bias.

Whoa, dude! You're blowing my mind!

The "both sides are equally bad" thing only works if you already have a heavy bias towards the right wing.

When are they going to get to the nuclear weapons factory!?