Who the hell doesn't like teenage girls, apart from other teenage girls?
Who the hell doesn't like teenage girls, apart from other teenage girls?
How so?
The horror of it all is that there's no such thing as karma, and he's going to live a very comfortable life and suffer no consequences. He'll probably be elected President in 2040.
By Twitter standards, it's practically Shakespeare.
Or Seth MacFarlane.
The reason is that you have a love-hate relationship…
It has the word "community" in it. That means it's just thinly-veiled Communism.
I thought that was the joke. He's so incompetent that his attempt at a botched suicide would actually succeed.
It's the way these "drown government in a bathtub" types operate. They claim government doesn't work, and to prove their point, they sabotage the government. Much like Trump's "let's screw with Obamacare so it fails" plan.
How did you know about my sex dungeon?? Wait… is that you, Chris?
Also butts smothered with honey.
I get the Donnie Ts whenever I stop drinking.
That's it! From now on, I'm calling Trump DoJu. It's like a martial arts school, except you learn the ways of corruption and incompetence.
Only when they're not perestroikin' it to online porn.
The Wall was really inside our hearts all along.
The "throwing drugs over the border" thing is at least plausible. Drug smugglers have built their own submarines to transport their product. Building trebuchets or cannons to shoot them across the border is not unlikely at all.
Torque (Construction Noise) Lewith, Nevada State… Penitentiary
Ah, OK. Gotcha.