Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments

No, I don't think actual party members (as in politicians, not the rabble) ever liked Trump. Just like how nobody in the NYC elite likes him. He's just something they have to tolerate.

The All ighty ollar? Oh, I get it!

Roomba stock prices plummet. Widespread panic over lack of available immigrant workers ensues.

Can we just trade Michigan for Puerto Rico, so they can become a state, but we don't have to change the flag?

I hate this shit.

Is that what you think? Well if that's what you think, I have something to tell you… Something which may shock and discredit you… And that thing is as follows… I'm not wearing a tie at all.

You owe me a Coke piece of your brain that they took out.

You mean Re-Neducation Center.

That's no excuse. It was a season eight reference.

I'm not so sure consent was a major concern at the Playboy mansion, either.

Did @poprivets:disqus temporarily forget where he was?

I think it's more chemical weaponry than nuclear. The chemicals being urine and scopolamine.

R.I.P. Ass Dan.

That's the same thing that Alex Jones says about Obama and Hillary!

Not to be outdone, the White House has banned all references to the color orange.

The nipples, I believe. Depending on how cold it is.

Equal Representation for Actresses, a British advocacy group, released this statement: “We are delighted by the casting of Jodie Whittaker as the 13th Doctor. However, we are surprised and disappointed by the Daily Mail [Mail Online is owned by the Daily Mail and General Trust] and the Sun’s reductive and

I presume he died in a flamethrower accident.

Good news: Frank Stallone will be!

The AV Club commenters are noted BuzzFeed apologists. They just can't get enough of that Buzz!