Is there a reason I shouldn't though? I've met humans, and they generally seem pretty shitty.
Is there a reason I shouldn't though? I've met humans, and they generally seem pretty shitty.
Smelter? I just met her.
I dare say you are vastly overestimating the competence and attention to detail of people who run art galleries.
At least ancient art knows its place, and doesn't get all mouthy.
I guess he won't be bringing home the bacon.
He really puts himself into his art.
*jizz hands*
I don't know why I looked at the YouTube comments for this (never look at YouTube comments) but the two comments that are repeated over and over are basically:
If by "level of subtext" you mean "blatant promotional stunt."
The narration on the video is galling.
Each sequel is better than that which precedes it.
Don't forget skulls wearing top hats.
Like a burger that doesn't go straight to your thighs. Now there's a fantasy!
They animated a unicorn in outer space! I'm asking you, what's it breathing?
3000 people? That's one hungry carnivorous plant. Feed me, Seymour!
It wasn't a good game at the time, it's so much worse now.
Introducing… judge Guy Fieri!
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Like an empath?