Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments

What was wrong with them when they were kids?

Well, yeah, because it wasn't a joke. It was meant to convey a feeling of dread. Which is why I used the election of Trump as a comparison. Like when it feels like you've woken up in a horrible alternate dimension.

He also wore the shirt with the chocolate stain he got during Macron's solo stage performance.

Huh? It's not a political joke. It's not even a joke.

That was implied.

The commercial success of a new Crash Bandicoot is startling in the same way the the election of President Sex Criminal is. What the fuck is wrong with people?

Olive oil? Grass fed? FAKE FOODS!

Lies. Nothing but lies.

I hope they check it twice.

They are not extreme outliers. It's actually quite common. Drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs are often based on it.

But the power of the religious right has also increased over the last 30-50 years. And sharply increased over the last 12 months.

Well, you are young, Rutiger.

[holds hands *this far* apart]

Ain't nothin' wrong with a good fingerblastin'.

Kid Rock's Down-South Waffle and Legislation House.

Only because you keep sending them plagues, landslides, and so many anal probes!

Whoever did this should be brutally murdered for putting those vertical lines through the letters "O."

You mean his penis?

Did they disallow it because he didn't actually have superpowers, so it was false advertising?