Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments


Are you doubting the power of covfefe to teach us things?

Yeah, where and who did he think they were playing for? Did he think it was a benefit concert or something?

So, that supports your point that suing a year later somehow diminishes her caseā€¦ how, exactly?


Did whoever told you that say that you have to sue immediately? Because if they did, you were misinformed.

Or someone who was not informed of their legal rights until later. It's pretty common.

With every inch of my energy I wanted Fyre not to happen.


Trump has never reflected on anything and decided not to post it. FAKE NEWS!

Those prices are undignified and unseemly. I won't stand for it!

What a beta cuck!

What? So what? It's a nipple. A little round circular protuberance. What's the big deal? See? Everybody's got them. See? I got 'em!

Star Wars, you mean.

Not watchin' Westworld? That's a paddlin'.

That's just what your programming wants you to think.

I only love a lamp.

The noble days of seafaring. It's what all of their lawyers are urging them to return to.


She can have two things.