feral-feral fish-bone

Greetings, Martian; I will direct you to our leader, Exxon Mobil.

Thank you. At least there's one sensible person here. And for your information, critics make entertainment possible, not the other way around.

I haven't watched the new Arrested Development episodes, and I don't plan to; I read a few reviews and I think I get how bad it is. No wonder the stocks are plummeting.

The shame spiral was clever.
But don't forget, we got The 100 Lives of Black Jack Savage because of "conventional" TV. In a few years, you'll be eating your words.

wait, we love Walter Jr.! Jenna's okay. Don't make this a festival.

Pulling Arrested Development from their library will be the only way Netflix loses my loyalty. The fact that I have access to so many movies and TV shows for 7.99 a month? Wow.
(My 1-terabyte hard drive is already full)


To be fair, the new season is a pissfest.