
As someone who listened to the whole run the JP, I'm going to have to defend Justin here. (Even though he straight up slagged Mass Effect way back in '07.) I think that at the time he was understandably bored with the standard video game podcast format. I was sticking with the show for Ludwig and decided to try

But, uh, the musical The Producers is a adaptation of the 1968 film (the one with the fantastic cast). There was never any mystery really, so I'm not sure that tracks.

I hear you on this. I have taken to listening to the first hour-ish of the Giant Bombcast as that covers what they are playing and gets a little into news. The tangents (which can be great) usually spin off of a news story and email, and at that point I tune it out or shut it off.

I laughed when I saw it because:

That's my point. However you slice it, the Martells are done for. Ellaria is not going to take up the mantel because she never cared enough about the name to, for instance, insist that Oberyn marry her and legitimize their daughter. (Besides, in the book, Ellaria counsels her daughter/step-daughters against vengeance;

That's just it. It doesn't really work that way. Bastard girls can't just claim the legacy of an ancient house, especially when they murdered a rightful ruler over a policy disagreement. No one, even Dany, will legitimize them and it's moot because they will be dead as dead can be before the final battle. Dorne will

My pet theory is that all of the houses of the Lords Paramount are gone by the end except the Starks and Tyrion, who will basically disavow his name. This will be a nice reversal from the "The Starks are gone" refrain that went on after Sansa escaped King's Landing.

While I agree with you that sanctuaries are awesome, they are also incredibly expensive, hard to manage, and very prone to poaching. Setting aside hundreds of acres of habitat for each animal that needs it is not a venture that many can afford to take on. They close frequently for this reason. Also, at the point that

Zoos actually have a few purposes. As mentioned, they provide a low-impact (environmentally) way for humans of all socio-economic backgrounds to learn about and appreciate nature so that we are compelled to protect actual wild places. Also, they provide homes for injured or displaced animals that cannot be

Fan might be too strong a word for me, but I enjoyed watching it. The episode with the Alan Alda impression still occasionally comes to mind and makes me chuckle.

Are you referring to the Sandra Bland case in Waller County or, sadly, is there some other incident I am missing? I hope not. Georgetown is a delightful little town.

Exactly. As woman from the south who strongly identified with Scout growing up, it is equally affecting (and believable) to me that she might go through a period in adulthood of reassessing her father and his actions. I myself have had to come to terms with the fact that my boomer father, who I saw as one of the most

Michael Giacchino's scores are nicely composed and frequently emotional. As a parent who might watch this many times, I prefer a traditional orchestral-type soundtrack to more contemporary music with a short shelf life any day of the week.

I'm biased as I am a longtime McElroy fan, but it's good. I like the flavor their dad brings to the mix. They mentioned in a recent episode that they re-edited the first episode to only include story (excising the character rolling and rule explaining) so you might start there. It's episode 1.5, I believe. As far as

Oh yes, that version is just beautiful.

I feel the need to defend The Long and Winding Road probably because it is my parent's "song". The arrangement isn't great, but it can be a great song if stripped down which is exactly what Paul does when he sings it live.

I like this joke.

LOST is my favorite show of all time, and The Brig is my favorite episode. The tension, the sense of claustrophobia in the Black Rock, and the performances just hit the spot. I know there are better paced and plotted episodes, but Locke and Sawyer were always the most interesting characters to me. This episode draws a

They're not an 80's cover band, but there is a LOST-themed band called The Others. I would be lying if I said I didn't still get the songs stuck in my head from time to time.

"If my father had honor, why am I a bastard? Why is everybody so mad at me for dominating them in the practice yard? Why wasn't I named a ranger? Mope, mope, mope."