
I'm defending Heller because your initial argument simply claimed that details of his life were fake. And you built from there. I've never played RPGs and never felt the need for escapism that intensely, but I take offense to people who critique with no real evidence. English lit is so subjective and open to

You're skimming the argument. The essence of this is that you're accusing with no evidence and that taking an unpopular position based on prejudice is not brave. And, yes, I suppose I am saying that it doesn't take courage to anonymous critique. It's not a cliche though. It's a fact that it does not take courage to

You may be right. You may be wrong. But you were definitely facetious. If you were right, that was entirely incidental. If you were wrong, you were condescending with the adolescent attitude that a contrary position somehow gives the impression of courage and critical thinking. Taking an unpopular position can be

Well, Heller obviously views this experience through that narrative, whether you see it as that reality is not what matters. Heller was explaining a life experience through a deeply personal narrative as a good writer should. He could honestly view his poverty and familial circumstances as this. Or even if he doesn't,