
Yeah…I think the analogy (SCDP is a monster) is a bit forced. You could get away with it in a smaller, more offhand format, but the more the parallels are stressed (final girls?) the less stress they seem able to bear.

"Like the zombie throngs"

"Like the zombie throngs"

Yo!'s where I first saw De La Soul. If that don't qualify as life-changing, I don't know what you people want anymore.

Yo!'s where I first saw De La Soul. If that don't qualify as life-changing, I don't know what you people want anymore.

Jeez—even Logo isn't altogether Queer anymore. And BBC America which used to be a great source for those British police procedural series like 'Cracker', 'The Vice' and 'Waking the Dead' has apparently decided that any damn blockbuster with a commonwealth actor in it is "good enough"—they've even decided that their

Jeez—even Logo isn't altogether Queer anymore. And BBC America which used to be a great source for those British police procedural series like 'Cracker', 'The Vice' and 'Waking the Dead' has apparently decided that any damn blockbuster with a commonwealth actor in it is "good enough"—they've even decided that their

NotMyRealName…That's interesting because Morning Edition did a thing about that Doobie Brother and while WAMU (the DC public radio station that produces copious content for pubic radio affiliates like the Diane Rehm show) covered the public memorial service and so on (which was appropriate—it really was a huge deal in

NotMyRealName…That's interesting because Morning Edition did a thing about that Doobie Brother and while WAMU (the DC public radio station that produces copious content for pubic radio affiliates like the Diane Rehm show) covered the public memorial service and so on (which was appropriate—it really was a huge deal in

"a fuss about it in the comments"

"a fuss about it in the comments"

I don't intend to diminish this guy's passing (after all—this guy was in Fleetwood Mac), but I've been away from the site for a while and was kind of shocked that when I came back and searched found no obituary for the late, great Chuck Brown. Is the DC AVC defunked now? I don't think it's hyperbolic to suggest that

I don't intend to diminish this guy's passing (after all—this guy was in Fleetwood Mac), but I've been away from the site for a while and was kind of shocked that when I came back and searched found no obituary for the late, great Chuck Brown. Is the DC AVC defunked now? I don't think it's hyperbolic to suggest that

People on the web like to throw the word "pretentious" around, but Prog is one of those genres where the word often applies. This is not to say that I don't like a lot of it and pretentious need not be entirely pejorative—it just means that a thing pretends to be more or other than it is, that it has "pretenses" which

People on the web like to throw the word "pretentious" around, but Prog is one of those genres where the word often applies. This is not to say that I don't like a lot of it and pretentious need not be entirely pejorative—it just means that a thing pretends to be more or other than it is, that it has "pretenses" which

True—but the History channel has always been pretty lite. And it's not like I NEED every channel to be smart so long as they stick to their niche, which presumably would be more devoted if they did. I mean, SyFy has to know that they would have a better profile at all times if they played to their demographic—There

True—but the History channel has always been pretty lite. And it's not like I NEED every channel to be smart so long as they stick to their niche, which presumably would be more devoted if they did. I mean, SyFy has to know that they would have a better profile at all times if they played to their demographic—There

I'm looking forward to viewing this as a prequel as much as it will serve—I was actually pleasantly surprised that the recent 'The Thing' which was marketed as another unnecessary remake of a classic Horror film was actually a fairly neat prequel to it that as the article puts it places "pieces on the board by the

I'm looking forward to viewing this as a prequel as much as it will serve—I was actually pleasantly surprised that the recent 'The Thing' which was marketed as another unnecessary remake of a classic Horror film was actually a fairly neat prequel to it that as the article puts it places "pieces on the board by the

"Awesome headal and facial hair, though"