
"Awesome headal and facial hair, though"

It's kind of fruitless trying to decide what's "important" when you're so close to the thing—Isn't it the case that often things that wind up being really important or influential are not recognized immediately as such? This is a large part of why critical reception is problematic and why all these "best of" lists

"trying to deflect and reframe what I said as an implicit endorsement of white supremacy"

I wasn't sure about that either—I know Iceland has been matrilineal (you can see it in their surnames) but to what extent other Nordic countries have been, and whether matrilineal cultures are automatically matriarchal (I suspect not, but I don't know) and even to what extent real matriarchies live up to their New Age

I realize that's sarcasm (and at any rate, now more than ever privilege is not a matter of race), but it's very well pointed—what's more existential than the imminent loss of a child? I'd argue that all of Art and Religion are the result of precisely that kind of existential crisis.

Yeah—it occurs to me that that's the kind of assumption about wealthy white people that only other wealthy white people would make.

I can remember making plexiglass fingerboards in shop class in the mid 80's. I don't know if you could buy them then, and the ones we made were not part of the recognized curriculum but they were a lot of fun.

"The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is all surface"

I actually reviewed the seasons at Wikipedia before posting—and I was surprised at how many of the episodes of season three I had associated with season two (the Shakespeare one in particular)—I was all set to be harsher than I was but I'm thinking that the brevity of Season 1 threw my memory off. At any rate, the

Cybill was regularly filmed in soft focus on the show—which was a very 80's "romantic" thing to do, and is sometimes done to disguise aging, but which can be extremely distracting in an era accustomed to crisp, high-def cinematography.

Speaking of alternate universes in which things are completely different from all that we know to be true—who would need to have never been born to make the third season of 'Moonlighting' its best? (Dana Delaney perhaps?) It was a great season, but not as good as the second (which has 'The Dream Sequence Always Rings

As I note elsewhere, it mixes well with spiced rum.

If you read that verse, it sure does seem to taunt anyone who keeps Kosher:

I've recently become addicted to the barbecue version.

It's hard to discern who is the aggressor when each fight is like a whirlwind of fists.

I don't eat most seafood—there's a reason shellfish aren't kosher. Filter feeders. Arthropods. Ick.

The marshmallow sweet potato topper is a Midwestern thing. Over the summer I went home to Ohio and my mom (who's from Indiana) bought some sweet potatoes from a farmer's market and did them exactly like that—I was trying to convince her that, since they are already sweet, they don't need any sweet enhancements, and so

Sangria Señorial—this stuff is actually really good and can be found in the ethnic section of my local Giant (alongside that delicious spicy Jamaican ginger beer) in six packs and liter bottles. It's a bit like Dr. Pepper with passport—and mixes really well with rum.

Sangria Señorial—this stuff is actually really good and can be found in the ethnic section of my local Giant (alongside that delicious spicy Jamaican ginger beer) in six packs and liter bottles. It's a bit like Dr. Pepper with passport—and mixes really well with rum.
