
'Sisters are Doing it for Themselves'
'I'd Rather Go Blind'
'Are Friends Electric?'

Now tie it to Kate Bush for the trifecta.

And Vic gets another point.

And there's another Inventory—Songs that were made into melodramatic TV movies:

'Number Three' by They Might Be Giants:

Nice work, Vic.


'Alone Again, Naturally'
'Cool Jerk'
'All By Myself'
'Nobody Does it Better'

Waitaminnit—Did they make a TV movie out of that song like they did 'The Gambler'? Or did I dream that?

'Dancing with Myself' — Billy Idol
'Turning Japanese' — The Vapors
'She-Bop' — Cyndi Lauper

I thought I conceded that

I wonder about that charge "Springsteen Lite"— I remember having a debate with a friend from New Jersey about whether Springsteen's critical reputation didn't owe a little something to an East/West Coast critical establishment. Back in the Midwest guys like Seger and later John Mellencamp seem to speak to many of the

Lobsters IS plural—could he (they?) be the collective intelligence of an entire crustaceous population? We can only hope.

I was one of those people who dismissed 'Northern Exposure' as 'Twin Peaks, lite'. In my defense, it was back in the early years college and my not having a TV, and so watching anything with any regularity meant arranging to watch with friends, and any show that had a regular following had get-togethers associated

"You're too young to remember the Mid Seventies"

"If that doesn't help, wait until the scene where Lily, confronting
Durant outside the tent while the fight is still going on, explains to
him exactly what he's doing."

"Dungarees County Work Camp"—that's kinda funny. But then I'm reading it a review not seeing it on a show.

Great! My first Rock Concert ever (not counting Huey Lewis with my older sister) was Ratt / Twisted Sister in 7th grade.

I'm basing that reading on the title and two lines really, "he was no more than a baby then" and "I'm a few years older than you". But with shifting pronouns and a generally indecipherable narrative, it could be about the Grape Ape for all I know. 

As I understand it, it's demonic things—I've heard it said about ghosts, too. At any rate, I do know that Madmen at least are good to go.