
"Yeah, this song's about being in love with an older woman"

In college I knew someone from Lodi who said if it wasn't it may as well have been. But yeah, it's the California one. That's the area Fogerty would have been playing out in when he was starting out (in the Golliwogs!).

I make no claim to completeness—and I expect to get more suggestions than any one person could reasonably have come up with. It's a disturbing recurring theme in the male-dominated realm of pop music. Maybe more interesting would be a list of female voiced versions—like 'Edge of Seventeen' and 'Infant Kiss'

I was going to suggest R.E.M.'s 'This One Goes Out to the One I Love' as another example of how the "tour song" tends to signal decline for most bands as they begin to crawl up their own asses and detach from their audiences—but the more I considered it the more that fell apart, at least as far as R.E.M. were

No need to feel bad about it—It's a great album from start to finish, one of the few perfect records out there, and one of the very few to be as good as it was popular.

Maybe it's because of the movie, but I always read 'Running on Empty' as being about 60's lefties growing older than their impractical idealism could bear.

I don't mean to be a party pooper, but when will it be safe to go back to publicly disliking KISS? It just seems like the irony there is past its sell by date. Time to reassess Twisted Sister, maybe?

Memo to AVClub:

You know who else sucks for never touring? Kate Bush. What's up with that? Back in high school I remember people claiming it was because she was a witch and couldn't cross water (i.e. the Atlantic) but that's bogus because Stevie Nicks never had any problems.

No surprise there, given Andy Partridge's allegedly debilitating stage fright.

Oh, how did I know this list would forget Steppenwolf's (and The Minutemen's) 'Hey, Lawdy Mama'?:

Yes and no—It's an admittedly confrontational though nonetheless accurate observation meant to provoke people into giving 'Pleasure Principle' a second chance if they've been previously intimidated into dismissing it. It's calculated to only work on those whose tastes are so easily influenced that they worry what

Well, since Wookies are not people, Evel, it may be discrimination, but it sure ain't racism—besides which, as a Buddhist I don't even recognize the existence of discrete souls, so it's not really a question for me, but for those Christians out there who are concerned with such things. As far as I'm concerned, the

They're certainly not for everyone, but I was thinking of different strands of Techno-pop and where they are best represented (and I might have included Nash the Slash as an example of the more esoteric, had I thought of it). But if you could only get just one of the above though, I'd make it 'Upstairs at Eric's'. 

to RegularGonzalez, et al.—it's okay you can love the song (I do) and still see it for what it is. In fact, if I may paraphrase a DWM (it's a joke! I'm being ironic!) an unexamined love is not worth loving.

Sounds familiar…Anyway, I stand by the contention that any fair interpretation of the song must include an assumption that she has as much agency in the situation as he does—and that means when she says "At least I'm going to say that I tried" she is asserting that she is a willing participant regardless of his

Actually, the best parts about the dogs barking Jingle Bells are the laidback, utterly deadpan celesta intro and the guitar solo—as if there were nothing out of the ordinary at all about a canine chorus. That must have taken a herculean amount of restraint.

I'm telling you, Darlene Love all the way. And the Ronettes version of 'Sleigh Ride'. That Phil Spector record is what an American Xmas is supposed to sound like:

I didn't mean to imply (though looking back, I clearly did) that I don't like the downbeat songs, just that it's a curious undercurrent for a holiday so ostensibly predicated on joyousness. No wonder suicide rates peak then, I only wonder which came first.

In other words "If I'm not into it it must not be worth getting into".