
I'm not going to pretend for a minute that all the creepiness people see in 'Baby, it's Cold Outside' isn't there, but I want to defend it for a moment, in much the same way I sometimes end up defending the song 'Stand By Your Man' as a kind of Feminist tragedy. In order to see 'Baby, it's Cold Outside' as an

For whatever reason, I was listening to my Madchester playlist on the way home from work the other day—I had forgotten just how much I liked The Charlatans UK and, of course, The Happy Mondays—'Pills and Thrills' is without question one of the best albums of my college years.

The impression I got from reading his biography was kind of
similar—that he was just a regular bloke who had stumbled into
something brilliant. He has always done these dark, mysterious and weird sci-fi
inflected songs but in the interviews for that book he spends most of
the time talking about how he wished his hair

It's interesting what he says about the "big chords" because I read a biography of him several years back and he was talking about the move into electronic music. He was telling this story about the doubts he had that synthesizers could ever get a big enough or powerful enough sound and then he went in and I guess

No doubt—I'm starting to fear that my Classic iPod is no longer going to be compatible with iTunes (I'm experiencing more and more bugs with it) within the next few years. I don't want to move to a new platform—the iPod is perfect for what I use it for—There's also this fear that whoever controls the Cloud, controls

There's an extended 'Dawson's Creek' riff in 'Muppets from Space'? I suppose not knowing that meant that it didn't do any real damage. I really liked that movie. I laughed throughout and discovered that a new Muppet (in that case, Pepe—new to me at least) need not necessarily be a bad thing. And I've mentioned

All of them—but especially Jr High which was on when I was in high school and yet better reflected my high school experience than any other TV show. I used to feel weird about having a crush on Jr High Caitlin until I learned that Stacie Mistysyn is actually a year older than I am.

It was nothing like that—I went to college in 1990 and didn't have one, and then spent the rest of the 90's without. I'm not pretending to be superior—I watched a lot of TV at friends' houses and the first thing I did when I moved in with my ex-wife in 2001 was catch up on all that TV I had missed—but I was in my 20's

I think the issue is not just one of the loss of a format (even less I guess than a medium) but another move away from the concept of the hard copy. Digital music, digital books, digital cinema means that when society fails again (and it will, maybe sooner than later) there will be fewer artifacts left to speak for

NUTS!! I love it. It's like how all British Punk bands lead back to The London SS.


How is that not just Ernie without a nose?

Actually it's more complicated than I had realized—According to Wikipedia ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wik… ) Detective Munch has appeared on ten different television shows shows on five different networks always played by Belzer—Which means, I think, not that all these shows inhabit the same universe, but rather that

That's hardly fair—so much has been made of how the show differs from the books, and adaptations need to suit their medium. It's entirely possible that the move from comic to TV necessitates a tone change—It's also entirely possible that I wouldn't like the books for the exact same humorlessness. But here's the thing,

Yes. That's why the thing to do is head North because when winter comes Zombies would not have a regulated body temperature and would just freeze solid. Then you could just go around and shatter their skulls like it was T-ball.

Ask yourself if it's really worth the effort trying to make the decisions and behavior of these characters seem consistent or reasonable—and then ask yourself why you're doing the work the writers should have done in the first place.

It's an interesting question, but it raises another—which usually doesn't come up in a short form Zombie narrative—and that is, if the Zombies are continuing to decompose wouldn't the smart thing be to hole up somewhere and quietly wait for them all to rot away? It's only a relevant question in this case because the


Speaking of 'X-Files'—Detective Munch made an appearance on that show as well—which is especially appropriate since Richard Belzer really is bit of a conspiracy nut in real life.

When I was a kid we lived for a year in Montgomery—and the affiliate there wouldn't air 'Soap' due to the Jodie character.