
"greatest living American humorist"—well that's debatable, but I agree that Larry David did the heavy lifting in creating the character. I also understand how hard it is to grow beyond signature roles. But it can be done—and I'd argue that Ted Danson is a great example not just because 'Becker' was against type, but

I don't think there's anything wrong with a show like this being more episodic than it has been—This whole farm thing should have been an episode or two at most. The search for Sophia should not have gone longer than an episode either. This show could have been a rare opportunity to explore a post-apocalyptic

Archmage—I think I agree with you up to a point. I'm sure there are functioning users just as there are functioning alcoholics, but not all drugs are created equally. Some drugs (and methods) are much more likely to derail than others. The problem I have with a lot of "drug education" and policy is that it comes from


She's still really funny on 'Wait, Wait'—which is the right showcase for her improvisation skills. A lot of what passes for improvisation is a canned collection of bits, lines and references comics fall back on when cued (see also Robin Williams), but Paula's one of the few comics out there who can work an audience

That sounds a lot like the original 'DeGrassi'.

I didn't own a television for the duration of the 90's, so a lot of these shows I only know through rumor and implication. 'The Simpsons' and 'Kids in the Hall' I watched, and I caught 'Seinfeld' and 'Friends' later on in syndication (which I think had an effect on my reception of them), but the rest may as well have

You kids today with your fancy computing machines.

I think that's what's been missing from that show—Not enough jokes. Part of what makes Romero Zombie movies (even the later ones) so enjoyable is the leavening that a Zombie Hare Krishna or a Zombie football player provide—Not to mention some darkly funny Zombie dispatches. Instead we get all this obvious, portentous

He's also been a hyped up guest on 'Criminal Minds' and 'Monk'. I don't mean to turn this into another call to reassess a much beloved show, but Jason Alexander's embarrassing career post-'Seinfeld' is enough to make one wonder what the public ever saw in the guy. People often make the point that the character of

Linda Hunt plays the captain.

I wish they had continued doing Academy Awards preview shows. I remember their hilarious take on that French film 'La Confidential'.

Amen to that, Miller. My family always wants to play at holidays and we are the kind of family where everyone knows enough of the answers to get really resentful when we're on the losing team. We even have this ongoing argument about whether or not there's an "easy box" and who seems to be getting the questions from

Two questions:

I had a friend who theorized that Mousetrap only worked in the suburbs.

That's messed up.

Indigity Dog!

It's kind of my younger sister's job to track down the family fare for holidays—mostly because she is the youngest and because she very early on set herself apart as uniquely able to do just that. She worked through college at a Warner Brothers store that carried all the Bugs Bunny merch (and thereby got me into the

"Add a few werewolves to Pretty In Pink"
If I'm not mistaken, that was called 'Ginger Snaps', and it was AWESOME!!

Thanks, proto! And thank YOU James Smithson!