
My issue with driving in games like this is partly because I'm no good at it (going back as far as 'Pole Position') and because it should be subordinate to the narrative of the game itself (unless the narrative IS the driving as in GTA). Insofar as a game like this is intended to be "cinematic", most movies only show

SPOILERS—if I'm right
I haven't been following the reviews for this show thus far because of work issues, so forgive me if all this has been covered, but I'm putting my money on Rosie's uncle as the killer. From what we know of him, he fits a lot of the profile for the type of guy that would get into that sort of

Thanks—I was going to say the same thing. I actually have taken to calling the show 'This Week's Red Herring' because it's become a formula that the damning revelation of each episode's end will be unraveled at the beginning of the next. It's like a cliffhanger but then in the next episode the camera pulls back to

Hmm…the only experience I have with this kind of game interaction was on the 'Blade Runner' game about a decade ago—and that frustrated the hell out of me (I remember it being full of similar good cop/bad cop choices). But I'll ask again those that have played it, is there a lot of driving?

I really want to like this…
It seems to be exactly what the video games as art argument needs—building on the foundation of 'Red Dead Redemption' BUT I'm a bit leary of shelling out 60 bucks to find out—especially if there's a lot of driving in it. They say nobody walks in L.A., and that a car is a necessity, but I

FWIW I moved to Massachusetts in '86.

Yankee Deer—the "it" in that sentence is ambiguous, but conventional usage in a Funk / Hip Hop context though would suggest that here "it" refers to "the party" or to go further back, "this mutha".

'Paul's Boutique' is not just their best album, it's often cited by those in the know (and not just hipster White boy dilletantes neither) as one of the best Hip Hop records of all time, alongside '3 Feet High and Rising' '36 Chambers' and 'It Takes a Nation of Millions'. Tell that to the troll up above who doesn't

I had Drake's in Massachusetts—And for example Crazy Eddie's pretty well known—having been referenced on SNL and Futurama, but I didn't know a thing about Carvel's until I got to Maryland.

There are and have been a few. Also look for a number of downloadable playlists of Beastie Breaks where the songs they sample are compiled.


Rose Royce etc.
The write up on Rose Royce neglects to mention that a significant percentage of the samples heard on 'Paul's Boutique'—and especially 'Shake Yer Rump' come from the Car Wash soundtrack.

Doris the Finkosaurus!

'China Beach' though was one of the few shows I watched in high school (after TV became less essential to me). I remembered Dana Delaney from her guest appearance on 'Moonlighting' as an old flame of Dave Addison's This was when she had that really sexy bob and they were reuniting in the light of her headlights while

Miami Vice came about at the same time as my family first got a VCR—so it was the first show I ever taped religiously. It came on Friday at 10:00 and I was huge fan but I was also in 7th grade and beginning a nascent social life on the weekends. So it was movies and pizza and video games with friends and then I'd come

"among the British ones closest to the Ramones"

You know what's really rebellious? Bare naked sincerity!

Funny—I always thought the X-RaySpex sound was among the British ones closest to the Ramones—at least at first, and with the added sax. At least I used to always push them on new Ramones fans that way.

Or smart enough to organize it. There are few conditions a collapse of society can throw at humans that humans haven't already faced—including barbarian hordes, food scarcity, deadly epidemics, loss of knowledge and technology and the collapse of society itself. It's not easy, but we've been through it before and

Exactly what's your beef Popey? You and certain other unregistered jerks are like the little fish swimming after sharks. You're too insecure to contribute anything yourself so you wait around to peck impotently at the leavings of others, never putting out anything that might be directly answered or scrutinized, never