
Totally bald in many cases means shaven after it starts thinning—I realize Fifi is not the Humongus type, but he's a better fit than Goose.

You mean you haven't stumbled across it on SyFy (where it has aired twice a month I think for years) and seen enough to warn you away? All those King miniseries get heavy SyFy rotation and most of them are really bad/way too long.

Are those really the only two choices?

Floyd—I never noticed that. Of course, Goose wasn't built like Humongus, but you know who was? Fifi. I may have to go back and look for that. So now they should put out the box set (and abort part 4).

Does that make you feel better?

"what else determines what's right and wrong besides religion and the state"

pagan : religion :: convertible : automobile

Wasn't there a Twilight Zone episode set 40 years in the future where everyone looks like Swoosie Kurtz and the people that didn't had to get plastic surgery or go live in an exile colony?

African women are fertile yet somehow nevertheless not to be fucked with?

I owe everything I know about cooking opossums and skinning squirrels to the original 'Joy of Cooking':

Leave it to Jesus to equate inherent human imperfection with sin—I agree with most of what you say, but coming from their creator (or His alleged agent on earth), it's a bit like blaming the victim, no?

Nothing was "useful" in Junior High—only cool or uncool.

I think the point is really to start a discussion about where different pop culture icons get it either more or less right or wrong. But I wouldn't put much stock in book learnin' anyway when the time comes. Can you build a fire without matches? Do you know what mushrooms are safe to eat? Books can help but they only

One of the things I love about the Mad Max trilogy is that there is a level of continuity that carries over from film to film that you almost never see in films of that type. (MILD SPOILERS) For example, the fact that Max had his leg shattered at the end of the first film is not glossed over in the second as he wears

Don't download it all, betterfosome, leave some for the rest of us.

Forget that—let's talk about drugs.

No typos, common usage or spelling errors allowed…EVER!! Call them out EVERY TIME!! By any means purge the comments of the linguistic infidel—lest the language lurch into impurity!!

The End of the World as We Know it
It's already underway. But it's not a single event, it's a constant process. We like our narratives to have memorable endings, but even the Fall of Rome didn't happen all at once. One day our grandchildren or their grandchildren will look back at us as we do the arrival of Europeans

In all honesty I think I would go on as long as I could and I'd mourn for humans but not for humanity. Game Over man. (and if eating me keeps someone else alive—have at it)

AND he did 'Looker'. A goddamn Force of Nature he was.