
Aside from the fact that I'm not a Christian and there's absolutely no scriptural or traditional basis for it older than a few hundred years, I can't wait for the Rapture to really occur—Just so we can see how all the high profile evangelicals who weren't caught up attemp to rationalize why they are still here.

Growing up in the 80's
Under a constant and palpable threat of nuclear war—every kid I knew had a game plan and mostly they derived from 'The Road Warrior'. I was living just outside of Dayton OH in Jr. High and if we survived the first strike (and there was a good chance we wouldn't thanks to our proximity to Wright

Popey and Blake—feel free to skip my posts. Obviously, I'm not writing with you in mind, it would nice if you kept me out of yours as well.

Dads love Rockford?—that makes him the 'Traveling Wilburys' of TV.

That's quite an assertion:
"The best mysteries aren't just about delivering a clever puzzle; they're about giving the reader a reason to keep turning pages while the author takes us on a tour of a society at its highest and lowest, examining the dynamic"

Actually Genius, that only underscores the implied socioeconomic situation of each—The Addamses were clearly affluent and had old money—While Herman had a lunchbox and a blue collar job—construction wasn't it? I was only being flip about the lo-rent thing, but there's an old stereotype about who spends money on their

Bus stop, wet day, she's there I say
Please share my umbrella
Bus stop, bus go, she stays love grows
Under my umbrella

"as you might expect…"

I almost never use umbrellas myself—mostly because I lose them. Same thing with sunglasses. But as a manly thing it's a gross miscalculation—having an umbrella sometimes means getting to play at chivalry with women who have forgotten theirs—and the women in my predominantly Black neighborhood are especially wary of

"It was called The Spanish Inquisition. It was not the least bit heartwarming."
Unless you were tied to a stake at the top of a woodpile. Then, as you might expect, it was quite warm all over.

'The Munsters' were just a lo-rent 'Addams Family'.

Some people watch football. Some people listen to 'Alice's Restaurant'. My Thanksgiving tradition is 'Broadway Danny Rose' (and after that, a little 'Hannah and her Sisters' maybe?).

I caught it—but I expected the reveal to be stated, not merely implied—I was waiting for him to say it was oregano. It's like the punchline comes a week late.

At the risk of making this about me and my descriptivist colloquial usage, I'll cite the following: "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less."

There is a long tradition of genteel Murder Mysteries in which the murder is practically an abstraction and the victim goes unmourned. This is what the parties are based on. Police Procedurals are entirely different tradition, and often deal with more heinous crimes including mutilation and rape (which are more

"some kind of cover-up among the police to keep certain names out of the investigation"

I don't think this 'Twin Peaks' comparison holds up at all. It's a sober, straight, somewhat bleak Police Procedural and has more in common with 'Prime Suspect'. I just rewatched a lot of 'Twin Peaks'—and I had remembered it as being a lot darker than it really was—maybe because 'Fire Walk With Me' was and so much of

Oops. I thought the same thing (and posted it). It's worth pointing out that the diablo mask that "identifies" Kris is later shown to be worn by Jasper as well—and to me, that's a sign pointing to the fact that a pink wig is not enough proof of identity.

I think people need to revisit 'Twin Peaks'. That show was as often a flat out comedy as it was a Thriller. There's been very little comedy so far in this show, mostly from Holder, and mostly deflected within the show as outward aspects of his creepy innapropriateness (which I think is all affectation). I agree with

Also—I'm glad that they outed Holder's joints as fake—I kind of expected as much, although they missed the chance to make a joke of it last week when that one girl said "I am so high right now". I see the overt creepiness as a holdover from his undercover vice work, and an effective way to put interviewees off