
Are We Sure it was Rosie?
On the cell phone video—bear in mind that she was wearing a pink wig and the hand held nature of the video left a lot of things obscured. So I'm wondering if—just as the two boys shared a mask and a victim—could Rosie and someone else—Sterling for instance shared a wig? How would an

Looks like Caret could use a big hug.

Any variation on the "cool story, bro" line is the "I know you are, but what am I?" of the omniweb. It's an attempt to score points off of the previous post but it comes off as not only unfunny, but also unoriginal—with no better goal than to make people feel bad for doing what its own contributor apparently can not

In the same vein as the theme from Tootsie:

15 Charisma
I don't like Russell Brand. He strikes me as an evil Eddie Izzard—they both occupy a British zone of irreverent, androgynous surreal observational comedy, but for some reason Izzard just seems like a more generous, grounded personality. They are both wrapped in affectation, but Izzard's seems to contain

I did note that, Noel—and like I said, I don't have a problem with the article or its raison d'etre, I just get tired of the way that the narrative of Rock has been dominated for so long by a Rolling Stone sensibility—and now that the Boomers are retiring/dying out, there's no reason not to re-evaluate some of the

Who'd have thought
When I wrote a review of 'Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me' for my school newspaper (which it did not print…or I did not finish—I forget which) I dismissed it as the record where The Cure finally sold out, and stopped being worth listening to—following in the footsteps of INXS, The Psychedelic Furs and Echo

I maintain that the first half of the 80's was the last great era of pop songwriting. Not that great pop hasn't been written since, but that the way music is changed so much that Pop songs aren't so much "written" anymore as "constructed".

"the soundtrack of that summer"

Yes madbeatnik—this one:

Echoes of the Paul Simon interview…
Didja ask him where he keeps Phoebe Cates locked up?

Part of the problem is that the argument tends to be predicated on a few basic assumptions that I don't share—like the one that says we ought to try to prolong life as long as possible. (See also my posts on immortality). Death is necessary—even desireable for individuals in the interest of the species. Moreover,

::Sour Face::
Okay—I'm going to try to put this in a way that doesn't detract from Eric Clapton—who I could never really get into, apart from a few songs here and there, but who I do not have any issues with as a guitarist, a songwriter or an alleged diety. What I'm considering here ("considering" the feature's name)

That was my point, Timm—but scripture is nothing to build policy on.

J'en ai marre! J'ai besoin de femmes.

"what ethical obligations prevent us from colonizing Mars?"

As Alan Swann said (famously):
I'm not an actor I'm a Movie Star!

Mid 80's Nancy Allen and that guy from 'American Grafitti' —Paul LeMat. It's okay alien conspiracy fare, but the whole thing was filmed in a soft focus that was slightly too soft, so that everything has an ambient fuzz.

If I ever get a coat of arms, littlealex I shall make that quote my motto.

Actually, I minored in Cricket—and what they said was that 'Rapa Nui' is that movie about Easter Island. I wasn't sure why they brought it up though, until Jorge seconded it.