
No stranger than Spider-Man teaming up with Fruit Pie the Magician.

I really liked 'The Black Robe' but when I think about it, I realize that's probably the only film of Canadian history I've ever seen—unless you count 'Ginger Snaps Back'. What I'm saying here is get that picture made and I'll probably see it.

Apropos of nothing (although I will say that 'Wyatt Earp' sucks for all the reasons that 'Tombstone' is great) can I point out what a phenomenally bad film poster 'Wyatt Earp' had?:

You want to experience the best aspects of the film? Just discuss the initial premise of the button with a bunch of friends at a party. Does the film have great ideas? Maybe, but instead of looking into the ethical questions that the box raises, the film turned into another goofy "Science is God" exercise.

M/A/R/R/S needs Women.

"tripple"?—your Freudian slip is showing…

It's not all that surprising that sailors would find the only dance hall that allows fisting.

Mars Schmars (or, Mars for the Martian)
A future that includes living on Mars is another of the things we should think twice about. All this bunk about terraforming and settling Mars for its resources. Given what we've done with our own planet, I can't imagine we'd be any more restrained on another, especially one

stupid joke
'Taxi Driver' —is that the one with Queen Latifah or Marilu Henner?

So you can see how even the sequel with all its effects couldn't recreate the overall look of the original quite right.

Right—Anyone with anything new to say about A.I.?

Especially not your strange cake from Brooklyn.

'Silent Hill' also makes use of the irrational imagery to which I referred in another post.

"too early"

Exuberance for the Irrational
I was just thinking of this film the other day as I was revisiting the first few episodes of Twin Peaks—and a couple of things come to mind.

By a strange coincidence, the entire run of 'Twin Peaks' showed up on my Netflix streaming new releases yesterday morning and so I rewatched the first few in the run up to 'The Killing'. The only things that are remotely comparable between the two are the longer serialized format (as opposed to one crime solved every

Citing Shakespeare is as tired as comparing things to Hitler. The point was that drama doesn't use everyday language, not that the greatest writer in the history of English drama didn't use everyday language—Because doesn't that go without saying?

I am a Buzzcocks geek. I saw 'em a buncha times, ordered an initial pressing of 'Spiral Scratch' and the box set 'Product' fromk GEMM in the days before you could just download any song you want and 'A Different Kind of Tension' is to me what the White Album must have been to Manson (in that it lent order to a chaotic

All you really need
'All the Stuff and More' volumes 1 & 2 covers the most vital work—anything beyond that is gravy.

Who's looking at American TV for veracity? For example, nothing comes near my family, but the show that was most like my high school experience wasn't 'Head of the Class' but Canada's 'Degrassi Junior High'.