

Not all dialogue needs to be realistic. If everyone in films spoke the way they did in real life that would be boring and often borderline inarticulate—and there'd be no compelling reason to listen. Do people think Elizabethans spoke the way the characters do in 'The Jew of Malta'?

The Girl's Gone Wilde
Somewhere in a musty attic, there is a painting of Ellen Page where she looks old enough to drive.

Sad Trombone
I'd love to know what Courteney Cox whatever thinks of all this—because you just know she always wanted to play Wonder Woman but just missed the window of opportunity agewise.

'Monsters Inc.' is my favorite Pixar. 'Cars' is flawed before the thing even gets started—at the level of character design. Every kid knows that a car's eyes are its headlights.

Monsters SVU

In fact, it makes more sense than hypothetical sex with women precluding anyone from playing a video game. But that's all the patience I have for you, take the last word if you must.

There may have been more than one, but:

Internet Gaydar? What are you, twelve? And for all those who claim nobody cares, I think the thread itself proves otherwise. Thank god not everyone online is a soulless jerk.

Pander is correct. I always own my comments so I never sign out. You seem not to know how pronoun referents work or what autism is.

And 'Wacky Packages'—Art Spiegelman's finest work was the sticker for Chock Full o' Nuts & Bolts.

Shpeaking of shtick.

There is no wrong or right way to go. As I've recently been taken to task for (for some reason), I got an MFA in poetry which I never expected to pay the bills. About a decade ago I left a pretty good, but to my mind inconsequential job as a bookseller to get a teaching certificate and to marry a woman who was

"because I have sex with women"

The collecting gene
I've got it. I collected Star Wars shit, then D&D and military lead figures (mainly Japanese themed) then records. But it was my my dad who had a whole bunch of 50's and 60's era cards that probably would be worth something if he hadn't given them up for the supposedly more lucrative field of

Yeah, my sisters collected stickers too—puffy ones and smelly ones, especially.

That was kind of my experience with D&D. You bought the crap and read the books and talked about the game at recess, but actually playing required coordinating rides and sleepovers and shit—and by the time anybody I knew could drive ourselves, it weren't to that kind of party anymore. But boy could we bullshit—and

I had the complete blue border set of 'Empire Strikes Back' cards at one time. And I had a bunch of 'E.T.' cards too, that I would buy with the concession stand coupon we got after each soccer game that summer—Everyone else was buying Lik-M-Aid but I knew the cards would be worth something some day. Of course, as a

Songs like 'America' or 'Homeward Bound' would be marvels in any other artist's catalog, but surround them with Simon's lesser poetry and they suffer by association. My point is not that 'America' is a great poem, but that it is a great song—and that's an important distinction. The melody and the words are serving
