
What I remember about the rape episode—which was also mirrored in the Maude abortion episode—was that the discussion was in part centered around the idea that these were not only young women's issues. There were actually people calling foul on the idea that "anybody would want to rape Edith" because the discourse at

Whataworkout has a point but let me suggest that the best analogue for Archie Bunker on today's television is Stephen Colbert.

TV is more preachy today but in subtler ways. Watch a bit of the 'CSI' franchise. The only thing that keeps it from being on the 'Quincey' level of issue of the week is that there are typically two or more mysteries being solved at the same time (which allows the pressure to come off the issue plot somewhat) and there

Racism is a pretty complicated phenomenon. The character of Archie Bunker is a casual racist in the way that my grandparents on both sides were. This meant that, while they weren't even aware of their own racism most of the time and certainly were never candidates for the Klan (even in the Klan-soaked Indiana they

I don't know if it's still true, but there were a lot of Krazy Kat anthologies available as low price remainders when I was a bookseller—and yeah 'Krazy Kat' was the pinnacle of the art form, with maybe only 'Little Nemo' as competition. But while 'Little Nemo' is visually superior (if you like that elaborate

David Brent when I'm at work, Failed-Hollywood-leading-man after I punch the clock (and Gladiator-era Russell Crowe in my dreams).

"Missy Elliott is one of the worst emcees of all time"

Doesn't surprise me but—beef schmeef—c'mon now, isn't Nicki Minaj obviously equal parts Missy AND Kim? At least that's the impression I get.

I actually have a T-shirt of my avatar because it started out years ago as a T-shirt design. So if you're ever in the DC area and you see some guy who looks like Ricky Gervais in an I quit/Chiquita T Shirt, you can bet he's getting close to laundry day.

Otherwise you'd have to shell out for a bottle brush.

Kepler, darling, you should know—that would be the Universal Platonic Cupcake you were always searching for.

I'll add to that:

There's been talk of a convention before—and I've used the analogy of the AVClub party before—but I just can't imagine anybody wants to shatter the carefully constructed illusions (of themselves and others) so much. Plus there's ample evidence that a lot of commentors (and I'm sure I am one) would maybe get their

I was a member of the fan club as a kid but nowadays the idea that the doll had a foreskin on his arm is kind of weird.

I resemble that!

Ooh—'Money Jungle' which is Duke Ellington, Max Roach and Charles Mingus. And there's always 'And his Mother Called Him Bill' by Duke Ellington. It's the record Duke did when Billy Strayhorn died and I don't know if you'd consider it "modern" but it's one hell of an album with some great piano on it.

'Blowing the Blues Away' by Horace Silver.

I don't do drugs anymore, but isn't the point that the mirror is coke thing?

"you can shell out big bucks for the actual sounds from 20th Century Fox"

Well, where Fantagraphics reps are concerned, it's all about bangs and body art.