
"Fat goths with daddy issues /
getting their spammy baps out in the gloaming"

I'm on board with the Monkees all the way. The movie also stands the Peter Tork image on its, um, head by making him into some kind of Arhat. Still it's a classic "midnight movie" and benefits from whatever drug's your fancy.

Are they dishwasher safe? Could be a dealbreaker.

This is not all that difficult—a cupcake is baked in one of those paper cuplike liners to keep it from sticking to a pan would otherwise be used for muffins. Muffins sometimes use these liners too, but a muffin is denser than a cake and doesn't take frosting. So if you have a huge cake, but it comes in one of those

They were par for the course Post-Punk. Maybe a bit more overtly Funk-based than most, but ironically enough, not especially Funky (and now I'm hoping I'm not confusing them with a different Scottish band called APB).

Before anyone gets too impressed, a lot of the swag these guys got was from publishers and they are the champions of word-of-mouth marketing and the loss leader—which is to say that if you are in a position to push the product as a reviewer or by handselling as a bookseller, you can get almost anything you ask for if

Taschen and Fantagraphics
Man, when I was a bookseller going to ABA, Taschen threw the best parties.

laikaaetra—Hip Hop was absolutely part of the so-called "Alternative Nation" to those of us who witnessed its rise and fall. For one thing, back then it was not played on the radio, even on Black radio. This was such a big deal that a lot of lyrics were devoted to it, and there were actually two different versions of

I guess it was probably Lil Wayne not Lil Jon who ruined that mix. I dunno. I didn't keep it long.

There's not much to it Idiotking—apart from the incongruity of the location vis-a-vis the celebrity. I was in the Louvre with my girlfriend in the summer of '92 and there was this guy with long dirty blonde pony tail and a ball cap and he was there accompanied by a much larger guy. I thought to myself—that guy kinda

True enough, Promised Land, but as a stylistic matter there can be a saturation point for technical events even if they are employed for a reasonable purpose. At a certain point it may be generational and/or a matter taste, but I know my parents still get confused by jumpcuts and I hate when a shaky handheld camera is

*Yanks the conch away from Loose Stool*

Blaffair—Rick is still acting like a cop—nay a sheriff. He's throwing his weight around, imposing his rules and agenda on everyone and enforcing arbitrary and potentially dangerous values like "we don't kill the living" even when everyone knows that Jim's a dead man walking already. In the trailer before they set him

"Grunge itself was that generation coming of age as the prime media demographic and demanding some say in its entertainment"

Parental Advisory stickers started to appear in the mid to late 80's:

It was Rockets Redglare killed Kurt Cobain in the Conservatory with the candlestick.

Ooh, Ooh! My 90's Paris Rock star anecdote is that I met Axl Rose in the Louvre! True story!

I think Miller's right about the Boomer narrative for Generation X—those bastards had a way of bottling every fresh thing we did and selling it back to us.

idiotking—I had thought it was a joke too. I knew there had been rumors of attempts before, and I knew something was up with him missing (but even that was not a new thing if I remember correctly), but it was not a surprise when it turned out to be real.

I liked that "beep/whirr" shit better when it was a side effect of the Random Simpsons Quote Generator.