
If I were loading zombies I'd tie up something alive (like, I dunno, a non zombie border collie) in the van, wait for them to crowd in after it, and then close it up.

A lot of what we expect comes from our familiarity with other sources but again—and I don't know from the comics—the show needs to establish the rules for itself and I don't think it has yet, at least not explicitly.

The Magician?

My reaction to that exchange was laughter—It was like sure Ed's molesting and abusing his kid (which was also hinted at by her use of "sir" to any adult male)—it was the icing on the proverbial cake. But the other impulse I had was to doubt that the series would go in that direction—and that impulse comes from the two

"They can't edit this show for shit"

Big Bad Merle
I'm not ready to forgive the show's rudimentary characterization in most cases, but I think I'm starting to understand why Merle at least was drawn so heavy-handedly. As was noted last week, he's been driving the plot for two episodes of a series he's barely even been in—for the portentious things that

The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will mislead them.

I can't wait for the annual Boxing Day Inventory.

Proposed Alternate Inventory for Thanksgiving
You always see this kind of thing about Xmas, but what about a list of essential (but not obvious) Thanksgiving movies?

Garfield is Jewish?—that Lasagna better be vegetarian, because the regular kind sure ain't kosher.

Their reasoning—'it doesn't fit in with where we're going with the network'—was really lame.


And my intuition is saying go right ahead.

That only proves my point Lobsters—I don't need God to tell me that's wrong, and neither do you.

As good an image as I could hope for, really.

Speaking of D. Boon: "what a singular lyricist and vocal talent he was too. Sure there's some hippy-dippyness to the former and he wasn't doing opera scales or whatever on the later, but the two combined really transmit the man as a personality. And combined with that guitar? Shoooooot… " applies to him as well.

Don't believe it. There is no such thing as sin. Only the dictates of community, custom and intuition. Free your mind and your ass will follow—The kingdom of heaven is within.

Semi-ironic? How about not ironic at all. The guy did not have an ironic bone in his body and I always found that to be endearing. You might start out in irony, scoffing at his sunniness, his blow-out Afro, and his "happy little trees" but by the end you were amazed—thinking "surely he's finished now, right? and then

Again, no. The Beatles may have been able to pull it out for a decent reunion around the time 'Double Fantasy' came out, but I'm glad they never had the chance to make a record we all might actually hate. Their legacy had a nice neat bow on it—or, if you will, a scab—don't go picking at it.

As the title implies, the entire series is just a version of the narrative from Jim's perspective—There remains a wealth of material to be mined by doing the whole thing, all eight (yes, eight!) seasons, over from the point of view of his wife (who I understand is called) Cheryl. So this 'According to Cheryl' series