
Also a tin teardrop.

But if spending were all the Tea Party were clamoring about I wouldn't have the same problems with them that I do—I think Buckley would see them as the idiotic, confrontational sideshow that they are, and maybe try to distill their message into something useful for Republicans. That's what set him apart—practical

And nobody's proposing that you convert—but you can't deny that Rock is the Eastern Orthodox to Hip Hop's Roman Catholicism (and please don't over-examine that tossed-off analogy).

Not that anyone's still reading but he Ark of the Covenant works for all three of the Abrahamic religions—and it's "power" is left a mystery. The Grail is not only specifically Christian, its depiction in the film conforms to the European version of Christianity. All of which is the smallest of my objections to the

Yeah—seems like death should not be a sufficient deterrent to him. Raw bones rock on.

You could wrench a decent album out of the best bits of 'Small Talk' and 'High on You' but if you really want to know where the heart and soul of the Family Stone went in the 70's you've got jump ship with Larry Graham. The first three and a half albums of his Graham Central Station were a revelation to me when I

One of (if not) the last gigs Hendrix played was sitting in with War. He was moving in a decidedly Funky direction (as witnessed by all his posthumous releases) I think partly because that was the direction a virtuoso R&B (read Black) player would most likely go in those days, and partly because some of the criticisms

I'm still waiting for a John Keats/Percy Shelley remix project.

Fast and bulbous!

I totally agree. I definitely didn't agree with Buckley but he was sane, sensible, smart and civil. I read recently how his influence helped to quash the nuttiness of the John Birch society on the Right, and how that long dormant segment has reasserted itself in his absence.

Ya think I'm pretentious now…

I'm going to say no to all of them (except maybe The Cramps). Sometimes the right thing to do is stop. Sometimes there is just as much art in knowing when that time has come. Consider the Beatles. I can't abide the idea of an entire album of crap like 'Free as a Bird'.

Three. I have three theories (actually I may have as many as five—but the goons at AMC don't want you to know the others).

I have two theories (apt for a Rubicon discussion):

Jeremy Brett's Holmes
Right now, it's the Granada series of Sherlock Holmes adaptations featuring Jeremy Brett. I know that sounds kind of fey, but while I had seen them in a scattershot fashion on PBS since the 80's and always enjoyed them well enough, I recently watched all of them together in order thanks to

Uh…thanks teadoust, but really, this one's not so bad. At least Bob bothered to put a complete sentence together.

Dana Delaney for sure—I fell in love with her (and the Isley Brothers' This Old Heart of Mine') when she played an old flame of Dave Addison's on 'Moonlighting'. Saw her on a couple of magazine covers lately and, yeah I could still go for that.

Who let Rita Moreno in here?

Christ-E-Os? I dunno bout that, but there are some other Christian cereal ideas:

Denis Leary should play Electro!