
Falconback—That's also why I consider 'Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer' one of the ugliest movies ever. Not that it's bad or ineffective—I just don't see a reason to ever watch it a second time. Also—I lived in the neighborhood where the DC sniper began—and ended—his spree, and the minute he left behind a Tarot

"Even if someone flat-out tells me their opinion is fact, I still proceed with the argument as if they said the opposite."

Along those lines, wouldn't it be Yeshuim?

My standard line is that 'Near Dark' is the movie 'Lost Boys' wanted but failed to be.

I think Troma films depend a lot on context—I have enjoyed a bunch of them, but always when I've watched them in a social situation (with or without chemical enhancement). They show up every now and then on my Netflix queue, though, and when I've tried to watch them alone they fall really flat as both Horror and

More smart Horror choices:

Good for you, Dr. What (and I'm not being snarky). My older sister was scared by 'The Exorcist' along with most of America (I understand why they were. Some of it is just how transgressive the imagery was for right thinking people). I was not. I'm not an atheist—I don't know from God as such (divinity yes—but in the

'Burnt Offerings' is a curio worthwhile for its cast (Karen Black! Oliver Reed! An elderly Bette Davis aparently playing herself!) but otherwise it's just a demonstration of all the ways Kubrick could have fucked up 'The Shining'.

Lately there's been a lot more of that "my opinion is fact" fallacy going around. Reasonable people can disagree. I'm with Checlawo and others—I do like 'The Exorcist', but the underlying religious framework renders it no more frightening to me than 'Clash of the Titans'. The unnumbered hoardes of Satan himself are

Water into wine—fuck that, I can turn wine into urine.

But he knows he's flouting expectations with 'Kramer vs. Kramer' and 'Eddie and the Cruisers II' so there's no real controversy there—You want controversy? I've always maintained that 'Silence of the Lambs', as great and scary a film as it is, is not a Horror film at all but a top notch Thriller and a police

binky's list is really good but it's also pretty sophisticated ('Onibaba' and Tournier)—which is alright by me. So I'm going to throw out a few more along those lines: 'Picnic at Hanging Rock', 'Kairo', and all the Cronenberg films upt to and including 'Dead Ringers'.

Netflix streaming has it for those who are interested. Is this the only film ever "adapted" from a bubblegum card series? I know Art Spiegelman was involved in the original designs, but did he get a cut of the film's take as well?

It's cute and everything—but it eats garbage and smells like ejaculate.

"The problem with the third movie is that it pisses all over the second"

There he is—-I was wondering when he'd show up. I think I must have fed him once because now he follows me everywhere trying to hump my leg.

Has everyone seen my new pet? It's one of those narcoleptic goats.

Hey Razor—did you see his Prince Albert in the can?

Here's the trailer:

Bravo Jorge! to which I can only add "More rapid than eagles his coursers they came!"