

I've heard good things about 'Winter's Bone' but I couldn't get past the mannered, artificial dialogue and accents in the clip I saw (and I usually love that stuff).

If that's the movie I think it is—it's the craziest Japanese movie I've ever seen and I've seen 'Tetsuo the Ironman', 'Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter' and 'Executive Koala'. It's like a classic haunted house Horror film as imagined by a Freudian Hello Kitty fanatic.

DJ Jazzy Jeff is not your punchline to play with every time I turn around:

"Boys & Girls should've been a major hit here"

I've seen the future: 'Hollaback Girl' is the 'Hey Mickey' of its era. It will make a comeback in 20 years and everyone will overplay it at 00's retro clubs and parties as a kind of signifier of how fun and corny the decade was. In that new ironic context, some people who hated it will somehow remember it fondly,

Will the real Will please stand up?
"we don't really know Will Smith at all. What makes him tick? What kind of demons does he wrestle with? What is he passionate about? What are his insecurities? I have no idea. Smith is so polished and on-message that he registers as faintly robotic. On talk shows, he seems like a

Burton's problem is that he settled into this "Goth Lite' mode pretty early on and never really escaped it. He's proved that he's capable of directing movies that don't feature either Johnny Depp or pancake makeup, but when you find a groove that pays dividends it's hard to work your way out of it. That said, the real

Vampires are boring—lugubrious and effete.

My favorite Halloween costume
(Not my own) I have a coupld of married friends where she uses a wheelchair and he does not and they went one year as the Roosevelts—with him as Eleanor and her as Franklin.

When I was in college the GLBA Halloween dance/party was the only one worth going to.

I gotta Rock!
I forget who it was, but some turntablist (DJ someoneorother) sampled Charlie Brown delivering that line to excellent effect and made an anthem out of it.

Nah—that Hitler business is an absurd take on my argument, but I think you know that. At any rate, it is not uncommon in Calvinist interpretations of Genesis to refer to the expulsion from Eden as "The Fortunate Fall" insofar as it originated the need for salvation and therefore made the existence of Grace possible.

"I can't help but feel you have a prejudice against Batman because he is a pop culture character owned by a business which makes a substantial amount of money off of him"

Oh, 'Last Temptation's already a big influence on my take on the Jesus narrative—although it's the movie I'm thinking of (I haven't read the book). It's one of the best Buddhist films I know.

For the record, I never said anything about Batman and Shakespeare—I mentioned Captain Ahab because they are similar characters in terms of the obsession with righting an injustice that borders on the cosmic. All I'm saying is that there are people who make claims on behalf of Batman's depth and significance as a

One is about funny—You make the best case about my perception of phenomena—except that one need not have seen a show to be aware of the endless talk about it, talk to which critics are not immune. But I still haven't said anything here about why I think 'Seinfeld' is less than most people (including most critics)

Those 'Lone Wolf and Cub' flicks are something else. Gorgeous operatic violence and a Tokugawa era James Bond vibe. What's not to love?

'Looker' was on in heavy rotation when we first got HBO and I loved it. I saw it again recently and it struck me that, whereas the storyline held up extremely well (CGI used for subliminal mind control—a light gun that hypnotizes its target with light pulses—political manipulation and electoral fraud by multinational

La Pipe—with only one exception they were hypothetical murderers (and in that one case, she was legitimately crazy). And of course, my exwife grew up partly in Amin's Uganda—where her father in one instance had to flee out the back as gov't soldiers banged on the front door—so there is also that.