
There also are aspects of it on awards shows and (especially late night) talk shows. I seem to recall that that show Cedric the Entertainer did awhile back was an attempt to revive it—and I remember enjoying that show when it was on but not enough to look for it every week.

I wouldn't have thought so till you pointed it out—but there is a resemblance. Problem is Reed was never as skinny as the young Sinatra which was really alarmingly skinny, even by the standards of the 40's—There's a reason why old cartoons used to make fun of him for it:

Isn't "stinker" a euphemism for "fart"? When did that word first get allowed on TV? It's not one of Carlin's seven but I swear I never heard it on TV growing up and I'm pretty sure 'Family Guy' uses it regularly—I wouldn't be surprised to learn they had quota system.

Oh I remember alright—it set the precedent that almost ended the golden age of sampling and arguably, by extension Hip Hop in general. Nowadays, clearing samples would make everything from 'Nation of Millions' to 'Totally Krossed Out' prohibitively expensive. Sampling was such an integral part of that era and the Hip

I'm sure someone's already said this,
But good—let's hope they use it to jump start a real 'Daredevil' reboot. THAT was the only comic I really ever followed in depth and the movie just shat all over it. Now the Daredevil and Black Widow story—that has real potential. And this time they can finally take my advice and

'The Pigman' What about 'Pardon Me you're Stepping on my Eyeball'.

Not only would shorts not be getting longer, but I think they invented cutoffs to take long pants in the opposite direction.

Remember Bummers? I still can't hear the phrase "Don't you hate it when…" without thinking of the chubby kids in the illustrations. And 3D posters! I actually used to try to make my own using blue and red magic markers.

Where do you think Greg learned to be such a bitchin' surfer?

I think the article hints at this, but I'm going to clarify that part of the universality of 'The Brady Bunch' was due to a lack of options. That after school block in the 70's was available in only three to five channels. PBS might have '321 Contact' but it might just as well have had 'Mr. Rogers'. The networks would

Say what you want about Diddy, but Nobody Beats the Biz.


Digital "Sampling" and "mash up" may be aesthetic ideas relatively new to music as a function of recording technology, but musicians have been quoting, covering, recombining and versioning each other forever. And if you look at the visual arts, the photo collage is one of the great innovations of 20th century

To reiterate what I said after the 'Night of the Living Dead-Reanimated' feature:

Hilarious! Now do 'Chant of the Ever Circling Skeletal Family'.

In the Future Everyone will be a Designer for Fifteen Minutes
Not an MC or a producer but an entrepreneur. So does Dre have a hand in running the vineyard, too? Or is this a gimmicky boutique label slapped on the product of an existing winery? For that matter did Britney study chemistry to "design" her fragrance? How

I'm with you there, Whataworkout—I usually come down on the side of the "Fair Use" argument that says, in essence, it's all fair use when the thing is substantially changed. If an original is superior, it stays superior no matter what may be done with it afterward—and it only proves its superiority in ongoing

"too long and the style is weird and disjointed"

Hell, If we can do anything why stop there?—Let's see what happens if we digitally replace Charlton Heston in 'The Ten Commandments' with Mr. T.

I got it! Call it "Home Video" and that will cover Blu-Ray, streaming, Laserdisc, Betamax, VHS AND the holographic memory crystals or brain implants or whatever will supplant the medium we're supposed to be buying now.