
"Aren't all slasher films gratuitous"

Bruce Campbell's performance in 'Evil Dead II' is one of the finest examples of controlled physical comedy since the dawn of color film. At no point do you think to yourself, now here's a guy pretending that his hand has a will of its own—it just does.

Guess I knew it wouldn't be long…
but I was waiting for a Zombie related feature or newswire to mention a surprisingly good quasi Zombie film I caught over the weekend—It's called 'Carriers' and since the description makes it sound like all the other direct to dvd and streaming Zombie retreads (and since it features

"what the artist thinks" means something more in this case, since the "mistake" the article refers to robbed Romero of a lot of revenue and the right to refuse authorization for crap like this. It's one of the most influential Horror films in the history of film (and that's not even hyperbole—the it invented the

'Night of the Living Dead' is a classic but 'Dawn of the Dead' is poetry of a greater order of magnitude.

'Liquid Television' introduced 'Aeon Flux' if I'm not mistaken and Zampano's right—The downfall of MTV was not necessarily moving from videos to regular programming (which nevertheless strikes me as stupid—why pay for original content when you can get record companies to give it to you for free in the form of

I think I may need to rest my case. This is becoming an example of what I was talking about: the futility of trying to create a hierarchy of victimhood. Next do we get to the question of whether The Middle Passage and 400 years of slavery were worse than the Industrialized genocide of the Final Solution after hundreds

Holy the cocks of the grandfathers of Kansas, Batman!

Flaubert—that's kind of the point of my question. Offensiveness and obscenity are both subjective—but whereas the status for judgement with the former resides in the receiver of the text, the status for the latter seems (at least linguistically) to reside with the originator. I'm sure some people would gladly stand up

I think it might be worthwhile to draw a distinction between what is "obscene" and what actually "offends". From what I gather, intentionality is part of the definition:
So must an obscene thing be intended to offend, and whether or not anyone takes offense be in the eye of the beholder?

Mrs. Butterworth
Looking for a picture of a vintage Mrs. Butterworth's bottle to see how realistic it would be for Sally to mistake the rum for it (and not Frangelico which might have been more realistic) I came across this:

Hey Teya—I like that idea…So Joyce coming to visit Peggy has ulterier motives after all. That's cute—If it happens I hope it won't be lurid or exploitative. It would be refreshing to see a long, shy, drawn out courtship dance between two women who really like each other but are unsure how to proceed. Much more

And yet if it had been a knife there'd be no question and no excuses needed.

You'll never be much of an Authority if you don't look things up.

Kinsey—"I think it's unfair to criticize her for not doing more about to combat the Filmores' racism"

Thanks Steve—I thought people were just going to let that comment lie there. My own experience is with the European au pairs and West Indian nannies that used to push strollers for their limousine liberal employers around Northwest DC when I worked there—but I can also add the stories of my former sister in law and

"like a full body bra/girdle/shaper with a snap in the crotch like a baby onesie"

"still read and still laughed at"

Yes, Buddhist Enlightenment is like tripping balls all the time but with none of the negative effects. That's why we seek it.

"Like Frank Burns, he'll steal someone else's Purple Heart."