
Poop Dick—I never said he coudn't get a gun—I just maintain that it was dramatic overkill. A knife would have been enough. And as for your last comments—If you lived in a place with a lot of onks you wouldn't question my conclusion—that kind of hair has never been in style.

…I thanked you…I offered you money…

"I also wonder how much early 20th-c. criminals would have encouraged their daughters to be professionals, but that's a different tangent"

All us dumpy liberal men are pissed.

It's pretty well documented that the Feminism that was called "Women's Lib" by the culture at large (and guys like Archie Bunker) was a product of women who joined political organizations to work for social change only to find that, for them, not a damn thing had changed.

"the actual author of "Go Ask Alice"

vivisfugue—Reincarnation can be understood in a number of ways. I'm a Buddhist, but I've never considered it a literal one to one soul progression from a single vessel body to the next. I think that kind of reading assumes a separate self-contained "essence" to the soul that Buddhistic nonduality would refute at any

"an explicit pass"

You're right Usylo—I forgot about that.

I was going to mention this elsewhere—but I found the gun in the mugging to be unlikely. Assuming the mugger is a junky—which accounts for his grown out, ukempt conk—I just don't think he'd keep a gun he could soul for dope money. Everything I've read about New York crime in the 60's stresses how few guns there were,

"put the"

"That song is not clear that he's speaking about his own sister"

Sally might attempt suicide as a cry for help—pills probably, you know her mother's got some little helpers—but as Rumsen said, Sally's emblematic. She'll be what? 15 or 16 in 1970? How she deals with her daddy issues through the counterculture—and especially the drugs and the sexual revolution—are going to be

Cooper was ready to be done when Sterling Cooper was sold, I see him as semi-retired but basically unable to stay away—not unlike my dad or the owners of a certain independent bookstore I used to work at. When your life for so many years is getting up ang going into a job, it's hard to just not do that anymore.

"Don't do that"

I just like the incongruity of the phrase "bitch in jammies".

Is this where we examine Peggy's naiive analysis? Not that the situation of Blacks in America was not in a sense comparable, or that the discrimination both groups (and Jews and homosexuals etc.) experience was not part and parcel of the same larger White Heterosexual Male power dynamic (yeah, I said it—I went to

I was a bit surprised at how visible Joyce is—especially when she's visiting SCDP. I know it's New York and she's a bohemian and everything, but it seems to me that homosexuality for women would not have been as noticeable or explicit back then. We're only a few years removed from 'The Children's Hour' at this point,

"but they're paid to do that"

New Thoughts on Dr. Fay
Boy, she really doesn't know how to act around children.