
Sit down, clap tlap, I have some…unfortunate news for you. Are you ready? Good.

The dog was called One-Eyed-Jack. It was not the only Indiana Jones ripoff to hit TV that year, there was also Brice Boxleitner in 'Bring 'em Back Alive'—but I think more of us who were kids at that time remember 'Tales of the Gold Monkey' because it was all very cartoonish, and it basically was a kid's show (like

Well there is Inspectah Deck.

Holy Shit
Good luck, Guru. For full length albums in the Golden Age, Gang Starr is right up there with the likes of EPMD and even Public Enemy.

I used to work with an woman who's justification for any decision she made was a variation on "I'm a mother, so I know."

See? Just like 'Roger Rabbit'.

I wouldn't believe that, Monkeylint.

Thanks. I didn't know that—it just seemed like a familiar business plan, and so simple too.

Too much work. I prefer hiding in plain sight—I could be that guy on the Staten Island Ferry right beside you and you'd never know it.

I specifically avoided calling them homosexual (because they are not about sex but rather male bonding)—and I agree that the orgasm is hyperbole (but only just). However, I'm not alone in reading the narrative of the buddy cop film as a parallel to the Romantic Comedy that functions emotionally the same way for its

John Wesley Hardin was so mean he once shot a man for snoring.

Now, meet your new partner—and try not to get this one killed in the first week!

But it wasn't about any life insurance, right? It was about the smuggling? There's a lot in that movie I'm not too sure about, actually. And as much as I was just saying I enjoyed the pace—it will be a while before I try to put it all together again.

I usualy leave typos alone but I like the idea of "collage kids" and propose that Mr. Washington change his name to "Whe Ndenzel" as soon as he becomes a Black Nationalist.

I kind of viewed 'Training Day' as a grim and gritty version of something like 'After Hours'. It's not realistic, it's one damn thing after another—and the review is correct that it telescopes all the things that might occur over a month or more into a single day. I wonder whether we were cheated out of a finer film

a possible analogy
Rhino Records in the 80's is to music as Shout! Factory in the aughts is to TV.

I will always remember that show for introducing me to the concept of "blanks"—people who do whatever they can to obliterate the information trail that follows them around, the license numbers, social security numbers, credit records etc. It was a great idea then, and an even more relevant one today.

Actually, I like to think 'LA Confidential' is a remake of 'Roger Rabbit'.

That quick cut/hand held camera thing is going to be as laughably dated in ten years as soft focus and synthesizer stabs are today. I just watched Gene Hackman in Arthur Penn's 'Night Moves' and I can't tell you how nice it was just to a have a camera stay in one place long enough to let you size up the action as it

Howzabout Harvey Keitel's namesake 'Bad Lieutenant' vs. Nic Cage's?