
Not that I wanted to debate Woody Allen, but I think it's pretty clear he is guilty of statutory rape.  Mia Farrow wrote in her autobiography about her shock at discovering Woody Allen taking pornographic photos and having an affair with their step daughter when she was 17.  That was when they were discovered.  If you

According to Woody Allen and his wife, she was 17.

Did you read through the comments on both gateways to geekery?  The Polanski one had one sarcastic comment about Polanski raping Woody Allen, the rest were discussions about the merits of his films.

So, statutory rape isn't rape?

Really…so it's a completely different website.  4 years and a different writer…


Not trolling, just astounded at the calls for boycotting Card.  So much vitriol pointed at a clear bigot, while rapists aren't boycotted.  Just strikes me as odd is all.

Gotta love the weird morality at play at the AVClub.  A guy is against gay marriage…"BURN HIM AT THE STAKE".