The Arched Eyebrow of Vivien L

Dr. Girlfriend/Mrs. The Monarch
Why wasn't Dr. Mrs. The Monarch wearing her (awesome) Dr. Mrs. costume? I can see it as a sign of problems brewing between her and the Monarch. I'd love to see that costume re-appear, and why would it be shown once as a one-off thing (since seemingly everything is important information

"Hope my boyfriend don't mind it"
He'll only mind if a) he wasn't there and b) you didn't ask him to join in.

Nobody's mentioned
Blayne calling Tim "Timlicious". I think this was when Blayne opened the apartment door saw Tim, when Tim was about to take them on the bus tour. I thought that was much more funny than Tim's "holla atcha boy".

The Two Young Interviewees
I was wondering if the two young guys who worked as a team were actually a gay couple. The way Don asked them if they "did everything…together", with the special emphasis on "everything". I'm wondering how that will turn out. If so, I'll be interested in seeing how the office would react to

Last season, at some point, they had some trivia questions about advertising during the commercial breaks. (This might have been during the season-and series-premiere, I really can't remember.) I wonder if that will make another appearance this season.

Suede in the Third Person
I'm waiting for Leanne to eventually snap and bludgeon Suede to death with a sewing machine (while he's talking about himself in the third person) while they're in the workroom. That might give this season some much-needed excitement (and ratings).

I think a lot of the designers misunderstood the concept of "cocktail" attire. Cocktail attire is a relatively grown-up affair with drinks and subdued socializing. I felt that a lot of the designers went for a "fun" party dress, one that you'd wear out to a nightclub. Looking back at the photos on the Bravo

No, I definitely thought that too. It certainly looks out of place and that they're posing against a painted velvet backdrop. And sine it looks so touristy, you know they have on their jean shorts and blinding white sneakers on below the frame.

Great Interview
I've only seen her in "Young Frankenstein" and "Tootsie", but now I'm tempted to check out her other work.

That Poster
Does this movie include a lot of animal reaction shots?
My money's on yes, judging by the dog quizzically cocking his head to look at Jack Lemmon.

I know
who won't be a guest judge.

will this be covered by the TV Club?

I remember when that came out, everyone was panicked about teenage girls' school and social lives (coming right on the heels of the previous year's panic about boys). Since it happened to arrive in theaters at that time, I suspected that it would make already-scared parents even more so.

I don't know, I'm not so optimistic about this crowd. I think it has potential, but…when Tim Gunn has to call out half (or more than half) the participants for using tablecloths instead of food as per the challenge requirements, it's really not a good sign.
That said, I think Kelli and Kenley will go far.

I can't wait to read that write-up.

The only thing
this post did for me was to remind me that Mad Men season 2 is almost here, thank god.

for this interview. One of my favorite actresses, and I'll see anything she's in (including "Mona Lisa Smile", in which she had the only memorable role).
Glad to see that Hollywood is still employing the thinking women.

I was really excited about this.

I realized that
around the time that Ryan Stiles rapped that he was a Saint Bernard, I had seen this before. I definitely wouldn't have guessed that this would've been in the recesses of my brain.

National Lampoon
Just 2 days ago, my friend and I were talking about who played the son(s) in those movies. Going on "Vacation", I was saying Anthony Michael Hall, and she was going on "Vegas Vacation" and insisted it was Ethan Embry. We went to IMDB, and lo and behold, we were both right.