President Comacho

That's such overstatement. A teenage girl who listened to NKOTB would not have listened to even this iteration of Metallica. Again, I can't say for sure, but that does not square with me.

I'll backtrack a little. As some said, the issue could be age. I was about 14 and had listened to Metallica for a few years, but I wasn't part of a metal scene or anything, so I probably don't know enough about what older metal fans thought. I just remember so much hype surrounding the album and really liking it and

Hating on this album and this song is revisionist bullshit. I don't recall the Metallica fan base rebelling against this album when it came out even the few years that followed. People really launched a backlash after the release of Load and, especially, Reload, which I think is more legit. (I mean, I think they

I loved this movie…when I was like 10. The climactic ending when the kid realizes who Charlie Sheen really was: "Jake?!… Jake?!…Jamie!!!!!" Cinematic gold.