Bronco Asskicker

I know you're joking but…
Shee-it!! They haven't made a good album since Amorica. However, they get a lifetime pass for that and Southern Harmony…
(not to change the subject or anything)

I kinda figured it was classic comic nerds getting huffy about differing opinions about/being way too into comics-.
I couldn't help reading the article in Comic Book Guy's voice…

I remember the hambeurger in a can article, but I cannot for the life of me remember what the site looked like before the redesign.
I remember thinking that this much white is hard on the ol' eyeballs…

@WO- I love how he says that in a british accent. One of my favorite lines in the series…

That was Drew Carey's…

I'm still waiting for the adapation of The Frying of Latke 49.

Must be in correspondence with Zoidfarb
Heh, heh. Instead of "Claus," you write "Claws." Now that's humorous! Today's comedians could learn from your article…

"a psych-metal masterpiece that expertly applied gonad-rattling heaviness to pop hooks that were cryogenically engineered to pluck your pleasure centers while drawing a little blood in the process"


Her new stuff leaves me Dry.

A quality burn, but QJ pulled some punches- you could tell he wanted to go further, but didn't wanna seem too curmudeonly.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it…

Notice who the sushi chef is making the sweet love to- its Ms. Krabappel. Her face is not shown, but her trademark outfit is…

We gots ourselfs a presidential/rapper crossover day here at the avclub!

I like Ms. Sedaris usually, but changing the pronoun was just stoopid…

Eagles hate
A lot of my friends hate the Eagles- I've always had a soft spot for their mellow sounds…

I kinda like PJ- hey took themselves FAR too seriously, but still- Ten was a good album (IMO)

Yeah-, but that one was purty obvious.
Get with it, pops!
(I'm throwin' you a softball here…)

That's one of my least favorite tunes- even when I was a youngun' it stuck me as reductive and kinda stupid.
It just reminded me of cereal commercials that pandered to kids by showing clueless adults who just didn't get "it"- "it" being the product that, goddamn it, you just have to get…

They did spawn some pure stinkers, that's fer sure…

Gish and Siamese Dream were killer (Istill listen to them occasionally)
Never really got into any of their other stuff…