Nick Namenone

I saw a video of the daughter of the injured man. apparently some people managed to get back in the canoe but Ed and two others did not. The canoe blew away in the wind while Ed and others tread water. Once they were found the rescuers went and found the canoe and towed it to shore. The gofundme item was a news

Please, anyone but Katie… George Michael was an amazing singer. This is a shame.

I get what your saying and I totally understand it but I think it would be great if those bands got in. I say be all inclusive. All of the bands you mentioned (well, I don't know Liquid Liquid) are great bands and huge influential. Maybe they should be in there for a little exposure so they can inspire and

Katie's statement is just rude and it makes her sound like a jerk, Who cares how well represented a genre is? Do we need another white hippie singing folk songs inducted? Isn't that pretty well covered.
Yes deserves to be in because they were hugely influential in their genre and out of it. I can barely be

agreed 100%. It wasn't Yes unless he was in it. Really terrible on the h.o.f.'s part. And c'mon, Let Chic in. It is just racist not too. (edit for Chic spelling and in)

I took it to mean that the system has been rigged against women and gay men and yet they are insisting that the system isn't rigged and insisting that point to a rich, old white guy who has been rigging the system and benefiting from a rigged system his whole life. Like, how do the gay guy and the women not see that

tons of programs to correct pitch nowadays. back in olden times you could run a vocal through and eventide H3000 or similar device and pitch the vocal manually. Or you could sample the vocal and pitch it using the mod wheel on your keyboard. OR you could varispeed the tape deck. Your singer consistently a little

you are right. the auto tune effect that all the kids love is setting the software to retune very fast. that give you the vocoder-ish effect. Or you can use it as it was originally intended which is to move a slightly off pitch vocal to the pitch you want.

Oh JEng, I will like current Joe Jackson with you. I really like the new album. I managed to see him on the Fast Forward tour. Having Bill Frisell and Graham Maby on the record was pretty great. I even bought Rain and 4. Joe is still writing great songs and is amazing live.

I am from a Northwest suburb and I actually care a lot about Lou Reed. Dirty BLVD is a great album and Magic And Loss is maybe one of the best albums about grief and death I have ever heard. Berlin, Transformer the stuff with the Velvet Underground. Lou is hit and miss but he wrote some amazing songs.

just watched it. you can watch it dubbed or subtitled. Dubbed is unwatchable. I like it

I am not sure what you mean by "grandiose production" below.  They are hardly up to the production of a Lady Gaga or Radiohead level.  I mean Bruce Springsteen has more loops and synths on his new single than there are on any Pearl Jam album.  You don't like them?  Great. Think the lyrics suck?  Fine.   But your

ehh, The Terror could have been a pretty novel about people trapped on the ice and the horror and desperation of the situation. Instead it was an overlong, dull book that had an evil polar bear god that ate peoples tongues. It ended up being way too long and way too silly.

Lovecraft, after a more careful reading of your post you might just be saying that I am demonstrating "frothing Aussie cynicism" not that I am Australian myself. If that was the case I apologize for asking you to read more closely when I should have been reading more closely.
Oprah is still history's greatest villain.

Hello anyaroses, There is a blog called "respectful insolence" that you might like to google.
Here is link http://tinyurl.com/4fpk9f8
Essentially Dr. Oz promotes a lot of pseudoscience. Some if it is just silly and not physically harmful. According to Orac (who is a doctor and writes the blog) he has seen an uptick

read more carefully. You might notice I mention my american accent. I don't have a problem with the Australian tourist board paying to get as much attention as possible in Australia. I love Australia. I have been there three of four times and I am going again this year.
Oprah is the problem. Her legion of

I get that Todd but you do bring up the "ooey-goey" stuff with no context or mention of how dangerous and idiotic it is. You mention that you respect her as a talent and TV show host because she is popular and you see what her audience sees in her.
How do you feel about Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh? Would you review

Don't go so easy on Oprah
Todd, Oprah's promotion of "ooey-gooey, New-Age-y type of stuff" goes way beyond embarrassing and right into down right dangerous and completely stupid.
Her support and promotion of anti vaccine nut jobs like Jenny McCarthy and bogus faith healers like John Of God are more than just