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    Well we agree then! Outsourced gets a lot of hate around these quarters so I assumed you were being sarcastic

    Outsourced actually had good ratings… by 2010 NBC stanards. And it ran a full 22 somehow

    Outsourced actually had good ratings… by 2010 NBC stanards. And it ran a full 22 somehow

    The fight/argument scene with his wife and Dana was great too. His wife is usually the weak link but she was terrific. Its quite the cast.

    The fight/argument scene with his wife and Dana was great too. His wife is usually the weak link but she was terrific. Its quite the cast.

    @Scrawler2:disqus Its a TV Show. You have to suspend some disbelief. Its a stretch but not that big of a stretch. I don't think its unbelievable. It could just be a PR thing too. We don't know if Brody is a serious option or not.

    @Scrawler2:disqus Its a TV Show. You have to suspend some disbelief. Its a stretch but not that big of a stretch. I don't think its unbelievable. It could just be a PR thing too. We don't know if Brody is a serious option or not.

    Palin had two years of State wide experience  Romney has 4 years. Obama had 2 1/2 years in the Senate. Its not that unbelievable if you think about it. Brody is probably the age of Paul Ryan/Palin.

    Palin had two years of State wide experience  Romney has 4 years. Obama had 2 1/2 years in the Senate. Its not that unbelievable if you think about it. Brody is probably the age of Paul Ryan/Palin.

    Was anyone else shocked to hear Damian Lewis's voice when he gave his Emmy speech? His accent isn't perfect but its really damn good. I knew he wasn't American but I sort of forgot. He is so fucking good as Brody.

    Was anyone else shocked to hear Damian Lewis's voice when he gave his Emmy speech? His accent isn't perfect but its really damn good. I knew he wasn't American but I sort of forgot. He is so fucking good as Brody.

    Best lines

    Best lines

    Am I the only one who prefers the Brody storyline? I think Damian Lewis, per usual killed it

    Am I the only one who prefers the Brody storyline? I think Damian Lewis, per usual killed it



    That girl's acting has improved considerably from the start of the show to now. She was the annoying moody teenager at first.

    That girl's acting has improved considerably from the start of the show to now. She was the annoying moody teenager at first.

    I root for Brody over Carrie. Have since the middle of last season. Much more fun that way